Moving fast

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"I- you- what?" Was all I managed to say. I was dumbfounded, does this mean Jax..? I- I don't even know what to do. I mean yeah, I kinda like him, but if something happens then I'll lose my bestfriend. But if I turn him down then I will lose my bestfriend.. I don't know what to do!

"I.. like you? Like, like you like you." He said. I stared at him, and my brain stopped working when I looked into his eyes. He's so.. attractive. Wait, what? Okay, so we're doing this, huh brain?

"I- I guess I do too, I don't know my brain is being confusing." I said honestly and we both laughed.

"Maybe.. maybe if we.. you would know if we..."

"If we?" I asked.

"If we kissed.." He said awkwardly. Well that does make sense. So I kissed him. I leaned up, without responding and kissed him. Why not? It's not like he would've said no. It was a nice kiss, his lips were really soft. And when I opened my eyes his were gentle and pretty like always even if they were almost neon. Well, as far as eyes go, at least. "C-could we do that again, maybe?" He asked. I smiled and nodded and let him kiss me this time.

I leaned my head on his shoulder. He sarted to say something but shushed him. It was quiet and peaceful and I totally forgot all our friends were watching that whole thing. Fuuuu-

"DAMNNN." Jack said. "Maybe we should leave." He added and walked out of the room with Ollie who was hand in hand with Kayla and she left with them. Maxine went back to sleep and Jax and I stayed right where we were.

I fell asleep first, I'm not even sure when it happened. It was calm and peaceful and Jax was there. Whenever Jax was there things were easier. Okay, how was I in denial? Anyway, I woke up in my bed and Jax's arms. We had to get to class in like thirty minutes. We overslept and if Jax hadn't dragged me to breakfast the second we were both in our uniforms I would've skipped it. Jax, however had other plans. He asked if we were dating and after a very awkward conversation we decided we were and we'd held hands all day when we could.

When we had Charms our Proffesor was very suprised I had finnished the essay already was very suprised when he saw how close to being done AG was. We all just smiled and basically just said we were efficient workers. We figured it was best if we didn't tell him the real reason I'd finnished the assignment in a day and a weekend, espicially since we had until that Thursday to hand it in.

When me and the girls had therapy, I got upset about having to leave Jax. He had magic-carpet lessons, and I almost snuck off to them with him but Jocelyn reminded me that Harlow would A( notice and B( be upset that I didn't turn in my assignment. I sighed, and walked to class with them. I knew she was right, so I didn't say anything else. Even if I did get away with sneaking off to Jax's class with him at first, it wouldn't last. I would simply be putting us into the eye of a hurricane.

OKay, sorry this is so short but I got a bit of writer's block :/ I'll try to write more tommorrow. Thanks for understanding! And, as always, thank you all so so much for reading, commenting and rating! <3

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now