Quieting of minds, or at least an attempt

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***Gilly's POV***

Ugh. It's 11 o'clock at night and, even though I'm exhausted, I simply can't fall asleep. Wilson's on my pillow squeaking softly in his sleep, Maxine is snoring across the room and Kayla's steady breathing is audible from the foot of my bed (they're touching). I sighed and rolled out of bed, the wooden floor was cold underfoot. Really cold. I shivered and decided I'd better put on my slippers, which were (thankfully) right next to bed where I left them. I slid my now-cold feet into them and tried to be as quiet as possible, so as to not wake the others. If they knew I was walking around the room they made no sign of it.

I opened the door and the hinges gave a soft creak. I stopped and looked at the others, to make sure they ddin't wake up. Once satifisfied that they were truly asleep I headed out of the room, grabbing a sweater as I did so. The school was always drafty, it was big and even though it was nicely decorated, had a lot of empty space. I closed the door as quitely as I could and continued on my way. It was kind of hard to see in FTRS at night if you didn't take percautions, but I knew my way around pretty well and chances were no one else would be wandering the halls at this time of night. I went down the dormitory stairs, through the 'common room' and into the hall.

It was kind of creepy walking around FTRS in the dim light of a cresent moon, but once you got used to it it became sort of.. calming. The bright colors of the castle were dulled by the lack of light so it was easier on the eyes, and all the bustle and noise of the other students and the faculty wasn't there. There was an occasional janitor from the cleaning squad, but other than that the basically-castle that was FTRS was silent and empty, it's imhabitants all fast asleep in their beds. All tucked in and out of veiw, and everything was calm and quiet. You could hear your own thoughts, your own footsteps, sometimes even your own heartbeat.

It was nice to be able to walk around without people staring or whispering or there being noise that only gets louder when you turn a corner. It was nice to be alone. Now, don't get me wrong, I loved my friends dearly it was just that I was never with just my friends. And even when I very rarely was, I still wasn't alone with my thoughts. That was something I kept finding I needed more of; time alone with my thoughts. It was like they would only put themselves into things that made sense when there was no else around, like they thought someone else could hear them. Like they had a mind of their own.

It was a scary thing, really. If you thought about it enough, at least. Thoughts having a mind of their own beyond the one they're being thougth in.. okay, now I'm being redikolus. (I can't spell, sorry) My thought are mine, that's the only mind they have.

I heard a thud. Like wood hitting wood floors, and I stopped in my tracks. I hadn't seen anyone else, I hadn't heard anyone else and I cerntianly hadn't thought there was anyone else there. "Is someone there? Or did one of the fairy pets get out again and- Oh!" I said, but stopped once I could see who was there. "Sorry, Proffesor."

"Thas' alright, lassy. What're ye doin' about this 'ere school so late?" Blackbeard responded. He had been holding a small wooden trunk and I must of scared him myself when he heard footsteps closing in, because he dropped it. Although he'd already picked it back up again.

"Just.. wanted to be alone with my thougthts. Sorry if I startled you, I thought I was alone." I said, if it had been Sebastion I would have told him I'd go back to bed, but I had a feeling Blackbeard wouldn't make me.

"That be all? Well, I guess ye should go back to bein' alone with yer thoughts. I see ye around, Cobbler." He said and walked off toward his classroom. I assumed he was just adding the trunk to the collection in the back of the classroom. I headed off in the other direction, I wanted to go outside. Fresh air always does a busy mind some good, mom always said that. I've found, so far, that she was right about that.

I reached the front entrance, and waited a couple minutes to make sure that no one, including Miri, was there. Once I had decided the cost was clear, I krept to the door. It was slightly ajar, sincethe grounds were enchanted so no one could leave, there was a mirror who could catch kids trying to leave and it was nice out, Flora figured why not leave it open for a while? That came in handy in this case as I could slip out undetected.

Once I reached the cold outside air, I pulled on my sweater. It was chilly, but felt nice to be outside and with the sweater it wasn't so bad. I walked around close to the school for a little while thinking about stuff like Anna. I had no clue what to do about Anna. I can't tell if she's really trying to change or not. I also had a lot of other stuff on my mind, I knew it couldn't happen, but I couldn't keep my mind from wandering to what would happen if Stiltskin or Alva.. came back or something. I was also overwhelmed with all the interveiws and attention from 'saving Enchantasia', wouldn't anyone have done what we did if they could?

"No, they wouldn't have. And even if they would've they didn't." Came a voice I knew well, one I had come to know as a voice that gave good advice and wise warnings and kind words. Wolfington. It startled me nonetheless for two reasons; one, I had no clue he was there and two, I had no clue I was voicing my thougths out-loud. "I didn't mean to startle you, but it would be.. unwise to remain out here much longer. Flora will be in a tissy if she finds out you were out here when you shouldn't have been."

"You're right, Proffersor," I paused. "And thank you. I-I don't think I ever said that."

"Thanks are unnesicary. But please head back inside, at least." He said, with a characteristic smile that reached his electric blue eyes. (Am I the only one who thought Wolfington would be hot when I was reading the books? Yes? Okay.)

So, I did. I bid my proffesor ado and headed back inside. I gave up on quieting my mind, however, and decided to go back to bed.

Okay! So this was longer but nothing really happened.. sorry about that. I hope you enjoyed it though and, as always, thank you all so much for reading, rating and commenting! Your support means a lot to me! =) <3

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now