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"Gilly? Gil-ly?" Kayla called in a sing-songy voice.

"Wha- huh?" I asked, snapping out of a day-dream. It wasn't even really about anything it was nice though.

"You good?" Kayla asked and she actually looked a bit concerned. I resisted the urge to sigh and started letting her know I was okay.

"-I just heard something. Actually, I- uh, I need to go.. and.. uh.." Sh*t! What do I tell her I'm doing? I thought to myself.

"And do what? Something with Jax?"

"Uh, yeah!" I said, trying not to let it show how relieved I was that she'd given me and easy out. "See ya later, K!" I said, voice raised and rushed out of the library. The others had left a little while ago, although I think AG is off somewhere looking for a book. I'm not sure, I zoned out for quite a while. I didn't, however, intend to do anything with Jax, I didn't even intend to tell him what I was doing. No, this was a solo mission. It was time to remeber how to work alone.

I sped down the hall away from the library and it hit me. I did't even know where she'd be! Curses. Okay, think, Gilly. Where would she be? Think like her, she probably doesn't want to talk to anyone right now and she might be upset. Maybe she's in her dorm! Okay, that's a starting place at least.

I headed off toward the girls' dormitory stairs. I thought I knew her dorm number and thankfully I was correct. I knocked. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I sighed and decided to see if the door was unlocked, which it was. Odd. If she was going to ignore me you'd think she'd at least have locked her door. I twisted the handle down and the door swung open. The state of the room was not what I had expected.

It was in complete disarray. The blankets and sheets of both of the bunk of the bed were strewn about the room randomly. There were paers all over the place, they littered the down covered floor. There were slashes is one of the mattresses. The curtains were pulled aside to reveal an open window. There was one paper on the desk that had seemingly random letters written on it, but I could tell they had been written recently. In Anna's handwriting.


gilly i am okay i left because i wanted to please do not look for me

Somehow I knew that was what it meant. It was like how I just knew other things, like how I knew my nightmares about Alva and Stiltskin were nightmares not premonitions. If she wanted to leave then why trash the room? But again I knew. To make it look like a kidnapping not a missing person case. She'd run and she wanted it look like she'd been attacked.

I knew what Anna wanted. I knew what would probably end the best. And I knew what I was going to do. So, I got started. I headed to my dorm, hoping- okay praying- that neither Kayla nor Maxine were there. As far as I could see they were not. So I grabbed my bow and two quivers just in case and then I grabbed wolfsbane that was in Maxine's desk and then hesitated. Should leave them some kind of note? No, I decided firmly, I had time. Kayla thought I was with Jax and Jax and the others thought I was with Kayla. I was clear.

I grabbed a sleeping Wilson and placed him in my pocket. I walked to the door and stopped for a moment, maybe I should bring a jacket I thought, and walked back and grabbed one. With that settled, it was time to chase down a run-away. And find out what the hell they did.

I walked rather slowly considering I wanted to run straight to where I thought Anna might be, but I knew someone would catch on. As such I walked at a casual pace to fairly close to the edge of the hollow woods. I turned, looked around and then bolted into the woods when I realized no one was watching. Once inside I began to head down a trail of footsteps. It was a damp day in the forest and the tracks weren't distinctly human but they were distinctly not animal tracks.

I'm coming whether you want me to or not Anna.

This is a bit shorter than originally intended but I wanted to make some supense before you guys get to know what happens. >:) Thank you all so, so much for reading, commenting and rating! Also, I have a question: how do y'all pronouce Gilly's name? Do you pronouce it with a g or do you make it sound like a j? Just curious. I pronouce it with a g.

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now