Real Therapy

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"Miss Cobbler, please stay after class. I need to talk to you." Harlow said when the bell for the end of the school day rang. I groaned but remained behind. Jocelyn, Maxine and Kayla had tried to stay in the room but Harlow had forced them to leave.

"Have I done something wrong?" I asked, I was almost afriad of the answer. Did she know Jax spent in the night in my dorm? I know we're not supposed to do that and- Harlow cut off my train of thought.

"No. You are here because after the events of a few months ago all of us proffessors and club leaders have been keeping a close eye on you and your friends. In case any of you needed some help getting over the possible trauma of the events that took place. I think you can tell where this going, we have determind that you are the one who needs help, not that I'm entirely suprised. You have been through quite a lot.. As such, we are suggesting you take up our offer of having you see someone to talk about everything."

"I-I- okay. When?"

"Later today at 4 p.m., she'll meet you in the entrance hall." Harlow did that creepy thing where she tried to smile but it only half worked. "You may go." With that I exitted the room to find my friends waiting for me. They all started talking at once;

"What did she want?"
"Why do you think she didn't let us stay?"
"Are you okay?"

So I told them everything. Kayla sighed and looked down, I grabbed her hand to try to reassure her that everything would be fine. I don't think she got the message. Maxine's eye rolled around a bit faster than normal and she seemed concerned. Jocelyn would never admit it but she looked and felt simpathic. Okay, she might admit that part, but she would never admit she hugged me. I swear she did though! Anyways...

Later that day at 4:05 p.m. I ran into the entrance hall and began looking around for the person who was supposed to be waiting for me. I was late and I didn't even ask Harlow who it was... Belle, Raz.. maybe Wolfington.. nah she said 'she'. Hmph. No sign or Belle or Raz. Cleo then? Nope, not her either. Harlow wouldn't have refered to herslelf in the third person, so who could it be? I suppose it could be-

"Geez, can you really not recognize me?" Came a very formiliar voice. And along with it I noticed a very formiliar brown cloak and boots that matched mine. Red! "C'mon. No one's supposed to see me, we're talking in the woods." She had a slightly mischeveous tone of voice and I smiled and followed her out. It's been a month since I've seen her, but she's.. my mentor.. or role model? I dunno.

Once we were out of veiw from the edge of the hollow woods red took down her hood and releaved her long brown hair and dark eyes. I smiled and she smiled back and put a hand on my shoulder gently leading me to sit down on a fairly large rock.

"So, do you wanna tell me what's up?" She said with a tender expression and her hand gingerly resting on my shoulder.

I told her everything some of the stuff I said I didn't even I felt. I told her all about how I didn't know if could trust Anna and how Alva and Stiltskin still haunted my dreams and I told her about Jax (She squealed like crazy at this, I didn't realize we were so.. obvious) and I told her about how even though I trusted my friends completely I still didn't want to tell about all of this and I told her how it made me feel like a burden to try to get help sor talk about stuff so I just didn't. And I cried. I cried a lot. And it felt good to finally get everything out there to one person at once. By the time I had finnished it was well past 6, so Red escorted me back to FTRS.

When we got there Maxine adn Jax were waiting for us. Maxine almost killed me in a hug and Jax kissed me softly. Red said hello and goodbye to them and left. I told Maxine I'd be right there and that I wanted to talk to Jax about something before we went to dinner. She said okay and skipped (kinda) off to the cafeteria to get dinner and sit down with the others. I was suprised they said the others were still in the cafeteria, but overall took little notice of it.

"So.. what'd you want to talk about?" Jax asked. I pulled him away from the door so everyone couldn't see us just by looking up and leaned up and forward.

"This." I said and kissed Jax. Okay, so he leaned down a little because he's a god damn giraffe with freaking puppy eyes and an adorable smile and it's really annoying because it make we want to kiss him. Jax wrapped his arms around mt waiste and I put my arms arond his neck. When we pulled away we were both panting a bit. Jax's face was red and I knew mine was probablt just as red as his.

"Do you think you could tell me again?" Jax asked innocently.

"Dork." I said and kissed him again. We went to dinner about five minutes later and joined the others about a minute after that, holding hands of course.

Woo! This one is longer! Sorry it's going up so late.. but yeah..! Gilly's getting some help and Jilly is currently full speed ahead. And yeah, red is here to be Gilly's emotional support adult, deal with it because I love her XD. Anyways, thank you all so, so much for reading, rating and commenting! It means a lot. Also, feel free to correct my spelling, I know it's awful sometimes. <3

I don't know anymore! -A Jilly story (FTRS)Where stories live. Discover now