Day Five

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For somaj_ptx

A/N: This is a short chapter for this story but it's a filler chapter. I'm trying to fix my others right now.

"Smooth." I woke up with a surprised gasp as someone's hand snuck up my thigh. I stumbled out of the bed to get away from the person in front on me.

"Where's Scott?" Dan pretended to be interested in his nails.

"You don't like my touch?" I shuddered in disgust. I'm so glad I woke up when I did.

"Where's Scott?" I said it more firmly.

"Your protector will be back soon." Protector? Last time I checked, Scott was my kidnapper. I watched Dan move closer to me until I was backed into the corner of the room. "You have such smooth skin." His hand ran along my exposed thighs. Someone changed me into clothes to sleep in.

"Stop!" I tried to kick him but I ended up screaming in pain as he slammed my ankle to the ground with a loud crunching noise. His hand went to cover my mouth.

"We wouldn't want someone to ruin our fun now, would you?" His hand slipped up the leg of my boxers as his rough tongue licked my cheek.

"I thought I said no touching, Daniel." I heard Scott's commanding voice. It was so angelic right now. He was my savior.

"You dangle this fine piece of meat in front of me and expect that I don't want to tenderize it." Dan's hand brushed against my private area and I let out a scared yelp.

"Go to one of your whores, Dan." I sighed in relief as Dan took his hand out of my boxers. He stood up. He was three times Scott's size yet he obeyed every command. Scott rushed over to my side after he slammed the door shut behind Dan. "Are you okay?"

"He hurt my ankle." Scott's hand brushed against my face as he looked for any cuts or bruises.

"I know." He lifted me bridal style and set me on the edge of the bed. He lifted my leg and began to gently put pressure on my ankle. "Does that hurt?" He was speaking so softly to me. I looked at the new clothes that were on me.

"Did....he change me?" Scott chuckled lightly.

"No. I did. I figured you wouldn't want to stay in those wet pants." I blushed a deep red.

"Why did you leave me with him?"

"I didn't. I left you with Hector as I went to make sure they were fixing the car. He must have left though. Or Dan tricked him." Scott went into the bathroom. I felt lost without him near me. I felt more comfortable when he came back with a roll of bandages. He knelt down in front of me with a small smile. He began to roll the skin toned gauze around my ankle for some support. "It's not broken. Just sore."

"You came back." His eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"What do you-" He was caught off guard by me dropping to my knees next to him and pulling him into a hug. I felt the tears stinging my eyes. "Mitch?"

"No one ever comes back. Not on purpose." I felt his arms wrap around me, one of his hands' fingers threading through my hair as he held me close. I sobbed loudly in his neck, my hands turning to fists. I had no idea why he was being nice but I wasn't complaining.

"Go to sleep, Mitch." He lifted me up like a little kid when they are resting their head on their parent's shoulder. Scott set me down on the bed, his body landing on top of mine when I refused to let go.

"Don't leave me alone with that monster around."

"I'll be right back. Five minutes." He pulled out of my grip. I grabbed ahold of his hand before he could head for the door.

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