Meeting My Captor

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A/N: I'm sorry....but I was really excited for this and I've had it for awhile. It will have smut in later chapters and it does have some harsh language. I'm trying to broaden my horizons when it comes to writing harsh languages and that stuff. Because there is some words that I hate. Like if I'm reading smut and I see the word cock, I can't read it. I don't know why. It completely turns me away from the story. But that's the style I want to use (not for smut though, just talking) but this story is about killers. Yeah. That's right.

And I don't know if you guys noticed but I have OCD. That's why I constantly re-read my stories looking for mistakes and if you guys ever pay close enough attention when I put dots or asterisks, they're in even numbers. I do everything in even numbers. I even eat in even numbers. Ask Caitlin.

Anyways, the point of why I'm telling you all this is to explain why I'm only following a select few people on here. It's because when I would follow people, sometimes they would unfollow me and guess what. It became uneven. So I'm sorry guys. Please don't be mad.

Or mad about this story.

Bye my Lovely Smiles!

Stay Flawless <3

Nikkie :)s

"You're coming to my house after school today, right?" I turned to Kirstie as she tapped on my shoulder to get my attention. I groaned when I went over my plans for the night.

"I can't. Work starts at four."

"Look at my smart boyfriend bringing in the money." Dylan kissed right underneath my ear. I rolled my eyes at his childish stupidity.

"Mitch, when the fuck did you get a job?" Kirstie was trying to get my attention back. Dylan tends to distract me. Especially since we've been spending more time alone.

"Last week. My parents having been making a big deal about how when I turn eighteen, they're going to cut me off completely." Dylan wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my body against his while he leaned against the lockers.

"I'll take care of you, babe." He said it with a funny tone. He knows I hate the word babe so he uses it when he decides he's funny.

"Ha, ha." I said it in a mocking manner. I didn't want to deal with him being difficult. "Shut up." I turned to my best friend. "Why? What did you need?"

"Just boy troubles." I looked at the time on my phone.

"I told you not to date a boy out of our school." She sighed, putting in the combination to her lock.

"Well I don't want my boyfriend around so I become a sex crazed teen."

"I'm not sex crazed." Her only response was to hum. I should have never told her that Dylan and I have had sex. I knew she would use it against me in someway. But then again, what are friends for? They take care of you but they also keep you on your toes. The bell rang above us.

"Wait. Let me guess. Dylan's going to skip his last period because you have it off so you two can go back to his house and have sex."

"I was thinking about your bed, bitch." My temper was getting very short with her. She acts like I spend all my time with him. Dylan knows that friends come first so I will forfeit my time with him to hang out with Kirstie.

"What time is it?" I sat up on Dylan's bed.

"It's four fifteen."

"Oh god!" I jumped out of bed and frantically began looking for my clothes.

"Can't you just call in sick today and we can go one more time?" I sat on the bed to put my shoes on. I had my pants on but I couldn't find my shirt.

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