Day Fifteen

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For TheKawaiiCupcake00

A/N: Why this story was released before my others is beyond me.

FunNikkieFact #4: The first 'scary' movie I watched was Jeepers Creepers. And my first zombie movie that fueled my obsession was the 1968 version of 'Night of the Living Dead'.

"What's it like?" I let my curiosity bubble to the surface. My hands went to wrapped around Scott's bare chest as my head was resting against his shoulder.

"What's what like?" He mumbled tiredly. I sat up when the awkwardness of the situation came to light in my brain.

"For someone to feel vulnerable to you." I sat up in time to watch a small smirk spread across his lips.

"Depends. I've made and still can make you feel vulnerable." He cracked his eyes open. "What kind of vulnerable do you want, my love?" His hand came to rest on my stomach. I had the reddest blush on my cheeks.

"I want you to not be able to touch me." I slipped one of my legs on the other side of his body, putting my hands on the bars that made his headboard. The amount of confidence that he had.

"I don't need my hands anyways." He looked towards the dresser. "I think you know where everything is hidden." I grabbed handcuffs. Of course.

"This is my revenge." I couldn't keep my face serious. I cracked into an excited smile. The corner of his lips twitched. I held my hand out for his. He gladly surrendered his wrist. One of the cuffs clinked to signal its latching. Then I looped it through the bars and locked up his other hand. He looked surprised. I don't think he expected that. "What?" I said innocently. He pulled on the extent of the chains to lean up to try and kiss me. I backed away though.

"Oh, come on." He was frustrated. I wasn't touching him. Well, besides where I was sitting on top of his hips. I pulled the covers up to wrap around my shoulders and my bare body. I waited. "What?!"

"You said you don't need your hands. So prove it." He knocked me forward by quickly hitting me in the back with his knees. I held myself slightly out of his reach. "Say it and I'll kiss you." He pretended to be dumb about the subject.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout. He tried to steal a kiss but I turned my head. He sighed playfully. "I love you." His hand tried to come forward to touch my cheek. The cuffs stopped him. "It's so frustrating. I've never been restrained."

"You've also never had sex in a car." He glared at me.

"I thought you would be too drunk to remember that." I shook my head. "Where's my reward?"

"When did I promise a reward?"

"Fine then." He turned his head to the side like he was ignoring me. He had a very calm and cheerful mood today. It was like all the stress disappeared. Maybe me finding out was the best thing. Who am I kidding? It was the best thing. I leaned down to kiss his cheek. I watched him pull the strain on the cuff chains and the post to lean up and connect our lips. I could feel the ghost of what his hands would have done. They would be running up my thighs before stopping at the hourglass bends of my torso. But his hands weren't free. They were only teasing my skin with the memory of their soft pathways. "What?" He commented on the fact that I pulled away.

"Nothing." He rolled his eyes.

"Tell me what's on your mind." I licked my lips to settle my thoughts. I didn't know how to explain everything.

"In the beginning, the first day I met you...." This was such a serious subject. I can't believe I'm bringing it up now. "Never mind."

"Mitch, you can't do that. You can't decide to speak your mind then throw the opportunity away." I watched as his strength allowed him to pull himself up by gripping the handcuffs and set himself with his back against the headboard. His hands were on resting on his neck, making his arms bend at the elbows and extend from his hands. He looked like he was relaxing. His muscles didn't though. They were tensed and strained against his thin pale skin. I swallowed to get rid of my dry throat. Did I mention that he pulled me along with him?

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