Day One

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For PentatonixFanGirl

A/N: For the short update for YAMM. Haha. Just noticed that it's yam like the food. Don't judge....I'm sleepy.

"Wake up, kid." I was startled out of my sleep by the stranger hitting my feet. I shuffled back against the headboard.

"Don't touch me." He raised one of his eyebrows. I looked down at my lap.

"Sassy." He said it with a mock tone. He threw some clothes at me. I held the clothes in my hands and met his gaze. "Change."


"Because I'm going to burn the clothes that you are wearing now." He was leaning on the wardrobe with his arms crossed.

"Can you turn around?" He didn't speak and he didn't remove his eyes from me. I stood up. I turned my back to him to put the clothes on that he gave me. When I turned back around with the new clothes on, I noticed he was changing. He didn't do it to be creepy. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking for a new shirt. That gave me an opportunity to look at the scars that litter his body. And how the stitches were doing. They didn't look too good. "You should really go to the hospital."

"Your face is all over the news. I'm not taking you anywhere."

"Then leave me and go by yourself." I went over to stand in front of him. I touched just under the wound. He hissed, gripping my wrist in a painful manner. "It's infected. And if not, it will be soon."

"How do you know?" I was hesitant to tell him but I decided there was no point.

"My mom is a nurse."

"And you didn't know how to stitch me up?" He shoved me back, letting go of my arm.

"She's not home a lot." I went to sit on the edge of the bed while he continued to get changed. I will admit, this stranger is very handsome. And the muscles on his body. I felt the ring on my finger. I wonder what Dylan was thinking. What he was feeling.

"Special someone?" I looked up at him. He was now fully clothed and his eyes were on my ring. He sat down on the chair in front of me to put on his shoes.

"It's a promise ring."

"Ah. So it's okay that he fucks you."

"He loves me." The stranger scoffed.

"The only reason he is giving you a promise ring is so it's easier to slide his dick into you." I clenched my fists.

"That's not true." He stopped tying his shoe to lean forward.

"Think about it. The night after he gave you the ring was the first time you two had sex." I didn't say anything because what he was saying was true. I did have sex with Dylan after he gave me the ring. It was my first time too.

"How would you know?" He chuckled, standing up.

"Because that's what I did in high school to get laid." I became angry at him.

"I never even said I was gay."

"Oh please, it's obvious." I didn't know whether to take offense or just brush it off.

"You're an asshole." He roughly grabbed my chin.

"Listen here, baby face. Get use to it. Because unless you want to be sold into an illegal sex ring, you're staying with me." It was silent for a long time. I pulled my chin out of his grip.

"I think I'll take my chances there." All if the sudden I felt something cold wrap around my wrist. It was handcuffs. "What?" He had the other side clenched in his hand as he yanked me up.

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