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(i've prewritten soooo many chapters for this so y'all better give it some LOVE)


Jungkook had only spent a few weeks at Airedale Catholic High, but he was already bored.

The day in, day out routine could be great for the right types of people, but Jungkook really wasn't built for that. He needed drama. He needed tea, sis.

His old school had always been filled with gossip, filled with inside jokes. He was extremely popular, and was used to always having someone to talk to. To laugh with (or at..) At this new school, he didn't have any friends. The kids were all scared of him.

He had to admit, he could be pretty intimidating if he wanted to, but this was just another level. Underneath the chains and piercings he was really just a doe eyed, bunny smiled baby. He hated to admit it, but he was about as manly as what he ate for breakfast. Which was banana milk 80% of the time.

In short, Jungkook was bored and lonely. The only social interaction he got was when he occasionally talked to Kim Taehyung on the bus to school. Or when he pretended to talk to his
g-dragon posters like the manly man he was.

He'd stopped doing that a few days ago when Junghyun caught him in the act of trying to practice flirting with the paper idol (again, very mature, manly things that he got up too). Needless to say, Jungkook got a lot of shit for that.

Jungkook was bored and lonely. He had no tea to spill. The lifestyle just wasn't suiting him.

So, he decided to do what people always did when there was no drama to talk about.

He was going to stir it up himself


(not 100% happy w this chapter but i'll post it anyways. might edit it later on.)

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