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tw- use of homophobic slurs, abusive behaviour 

(i'm sorry y'all)


Jungkook didn't exactly know what he expected after he confessed to Jimin, but Jimin confessing right back definitely wasn't at the the top of the list.

Jimin lunging at him and pulling him into a kiss right after wasn't on it either, but here they were.

Jimin's lips were soft to the touch, warm, slightly chapped from biting them too much.

As Jungkook bit on them, he decided that spending the rest of his life kissing the tiny boy in front of him wasn't exactly the worst way to live out his days.

Jimin was busy thinking about the little mole underneath Jungkook's bottom lip. Thinking about how adorable it was, how much he loved pressing tiny pecks on it, how much he loved the soft chuckles from Jungkook that kissing it elicited.

A small voice in his head reminded him where he was and why he was here. He pulled back and leant his forehead on Jungkook's, wide eyes burning holes into the ground as an embarrassed look played on his face.


"Hmm?" he replied, unable to look at Jungkook.

"You're blushing." the taller chuckled.

Jimin snorted, finally making eye contact.

"Again, these egotistical tendencies. You should see someone about that."

"You keep telling yourself that sweetie. Meanwhile, I'll just-"

Jungkook pulled out his phone and quickly opened his camera. He snapped a photo of Jimin, all wide, confused doe eyes, pink cheeks, and pouting lips.

Jungkook cooed as he passed the phone over to Jimin who groaned in exasperation.

"Delete that. Please."

"Never. You're adorable."

"Of course you'd say that."

"Only because I tell the truth baby."

"Ugh. You're impossible."

"Only for you."

All of a sudden, their playful banter was interrupted by the sound of footsteps down the hallway.

Jimin panicked, the reality of the situation dawning on him. He frantically shooed Jungkook away.

"Go! Under the bed! Hide!"

"Fuck. Okay I'm going." Jungkook cursed under his breath, squeezing into the tiny crawl space under his bed, just in time for Jimin's dad to come storming into the room.

Jimin shriveled up into a ball on top of his bed, shielding himself from his father.

He strode into the room, feet dangerously close to Jungkook's head when he neared the bed. One wrong move, one shaky breath, and he would be revealed.

Jimin's father cast a shadow over the room, darkening both the atmosphere, and the boys' spirits. Jungkook gulped silently.

"Park Jimin." the priest spat.

Jimin looked up fearfully.

"You are not to eat tonight. Or tomorrow night."

Jimin nodded, keeping his face stony.

"Perhaps it will teach you a lesson on not being a fucking faggot." he hissed, words growing louder and more aggressive with every syllable he said.

Jimin winced.

The burning in his eyes was back. The prickling sensation that without fail always came before the tears fell.

Jungkook was tensed, rock steady with anger under the bed. Jimin could almost feel the heat emulating from him.

His father drew in a breath.

"So." he hissed in that cold, cold voice he always used. The voice that meant he was beyond angry, wound up like a tight coil.

"You will not eat. Not until you have learnt how to live how humans were supposed to. How God meant us to be."

Even with the feigned calmness in his voice, Jimin knew his father was prepared to belt him into oblivion any second. It was evident in every word he spoke. The way he dragged out the last letters of each word, resulting in a snake-like hiss.

It was fitting, Jimin thought, that his father sounded like a snake. He was a true predator, feeding off of those who would submit to him. Jimin so happened to be one of those people, making him the reluctant prey.

His father punctuated his last words with a loud, painful sounding kick to the bed's wooden frame.

"You are to stay in the room for the next three days. If I catch you leaving you will be punished. Understand?"

When Jimin didn't reply, he gave him a hit to the side of his forehead.

"I said. Do. You. Understand." he spat.

"Yes father. I understand." he retorted, voice almost as cold as his fathers had been moments ago.

Jungkook's heart broke as he heard the way Jimin's voice cracked on the last word. He wanted so badly to move, to get up and beat Jimin's father to a pulp.

But he didn't. Just a kid. Unable to give help when it was most needed.

In that moment, both boys felt helpless. Jimin unable to fend for himself. Jungkook unable to protect.

Even in that moment however, they knew. They knew that they were there for each other, only separated by a thin, broken down mattress.

Jimin's father huffed, stomping out of his room, but not before sending a glare that was not unlike a rabid dog, towards his son.

Jungkook let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding.

He was safe.

But, as he heard the soft sobbing sound from above him, he asked himself.

Was Jimin?


a/n- i feel bad for dragging out the update schedule and then presenting you these heartbreaking chapters, but it has to be done.

 the reason i've been away for 3 days is-

1- school (sadly i'm back to the hellhole that is australian catholic education)

2- i finally watched haikyuu and i'm slightly (unhealthily) addicted. it's been taking up a lot of my time.

anways, thanks for bearing with me and my shaky update schedule. i'm not very good at this part time writer thing, clearly.

love you guys!!

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