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"Good morning students! As you know, I will be announcing the tent groups for our sleepaway camp. Let's take a look, shall we?"

Time had flown by for Jungkook the day before. While he had suffered through constant whispers and stares, he managed to get through the day without any major mishaps. The night passed just as quickly, and now he was at school again, waiting to find out exactly what type of camp he'd be going to.

"So, in group one we have Eleanor, Nicole, Lisa, and Britney."

The girls sighed in relief, seemingly happy with their placement.

The teacher prattled off a handful of other girls groups before she got to the boys. Only two groups to go besides the duo tent.

"Group 3 is Connor, Todd, Jerome and Yoongi. Group 4 is Liam, Ben, Hoseok, and Taehyung."

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat in sudden realization.

He and Jimin were the only two students left.

"As you know, 2 students have to take one for the team and share the 1 person tent. Those two unlucky students are Jungkook and Jimin. Sorry guys."

The teacher looked sympathetic, but Jungkook felt nothing but thrilled.

The though of him being squished up in a tent with Jimin was certainly a nice one. It was more than nice, really. It was a dream come true.

And, thought Jungkook, he's so thick I won't even have to buy a pillow. I could just use his ass instead.

Jimin, on the other hand, wasn't as thrilled as Jungkook. From what Jungkook could see, Jimin was nothing but nervous. His eyes were wide, his lips parted, and his posture stiff. He looked like he could jump up and protest any minute.

But for some reason, he never did. The shorter boy shook his head petitely and plastered his face with blankness, before nodding at the teacher.

Jungkook winked at Jimin, leaning forward to whisper in his ear.

"Bet you like the sound of that baby"


a/n- sooooo the main storyline is finally coming together!! i'm pretty excited to take the story in a sort of different direction, so i hope you guys enjoy it. originally i had a full plot outline but now i'm just making shit up as i go and it's turning out pretty well. 

anyways i love all of your comments so keep them coming <3

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