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There were many ways Jungkook liked being woken up, but a high pitched yelp right in his ear was not one of them.

For some reason though, the gods decided to bless him on this fateful morning by waking him up just like that.

"What the fuck?!" Jungkook groaned, twisting around to see what was going on.

Of course, it was Jimin.

"Oh god. What happened?" Jungkook murmured, turning around fully. Only then did he come to the realization of where his hands were.

Oh shit.

One hand was wrapped delicately around Jimin's waist. Another hand was tangled in his hair.

He must've turned around in his sleep.

Jimin sat up abruptly, shoving Jungkook's tattooed hands away.

"What are you doing? Why are you touching me?" he stated, quietly, albeit extremely coldly.

In all honesty Jungkook had never felt more scared in his life, reluctantly moving away.

"I'm sorry. I must've moved in my sleep. I didn't mean too."

He spoke softly, moving hesitantly for Jimin's sake only. He raised his hands in the air, showing that he wasn't going to try anything.

"Ok then. Fine. Good."

As if on queue, the dinner bell rang again, signaling that it was time for breakfast.

"You ready to go?"

Jimin nodded like a slightly distressed bobblehead.

"Kay. I'm just gonna change my shirt."

Jimin nodded again, not properly processing what Jungkook had just said.

Needless to say, it was quite the shock to him Jungkook threw off his t-shirt, exposing his entire abdomen.

Jimin's jaw dropped. Jungkook was hot as fuck.

Tattoos snaked up his arm, creeping onto his tanned chest. Inky black words, eyes, and plants.

No matter how hard he tried, Jimin just couldn't seem to look away.

Jimin's thoughts became increasingly plaguing. .

Jungkook watched as Jimin shook his head prettily, scrunching up his nose and eyes in a grimace. He didn't know how, but somehow even a look of disgust looked amazing on him. The obvious blush made it all the more precious.

He wondered what he was thinking about.

Unbeknownst to him, Jimin was having an internal battle between the side of him that wanted to run away in fear and disgust, and the side of him that wanted to lean forward and lick the sweat off Jungkook's tiddies.

Thankfully, Jungkook spared Jimin of an emotional crisis and threw on a white t-shirt, not bothering to change his grey sweats out for something else.

The contrast between the boys was something else. Jimin in his, yellow silk pajama set, short shorts and all, couldn't look more different to Jungkook, with his exposed tattoos and sweats that hung low on his waist.

Jungkook liked it. He liked it a lot.

He especially liked the view he got of Jimin's thighs when he wriggled out of the sleeping bag.


a/n- jk is such a perve in this honestly but he's the same when it comes to jimin irl sooo-

anyways here's jimin's pyjamas. jimin in these is such a concept honestly-

 jimin in these is such a concept honestly-

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