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No no no no no.

He can't see me. Not like this.


Jimin's mind began whirring with anxiety the moment he received the message

He wasn't looking his best.

His limbs were sprawled out haphazardly as he lay on the floor, the picture of pitiful. Maybe a little melodramatic? A slap to the face and a kick to the shins wasn't that bad. Right?

It would most likely bruise and turn bright purple the next day. Thankfully, by now, Jimin knew his way around concealer. It wasn't to hard to hide what his father truly thought of him

Except for the fact that Jungkook was coming. Now.

Jimin wasn't ready to see him, but there was no stopping him now, he figured.

His father called them punishments, but they felt much worse.

The two sides of Jimin's brain were engaging in a heated debate. One side wanted Jungkook. Wanted to feel his warmth, his arms.

The other side wanted to lock himself in the bathroom and never come out, for fear of Jungkook seeing what a wreck he could really be.

It wasn't like he had much of a choice though. The window was unlocked and Jungkook had texted him more than 7 minutes ago.

Jimin had no choice but to shut up and wait, like he had been forced to for so many years. Like he had been trained to do since before he could even remember.

Was he okay? Maybe. Probably not.

But Jungkook was coming soon, and he'd make it better.

He always did.


a/n- double update in store if i can write enough. this chapter's so short i feel like you guys deserve it.

I tried to soften the angst a little bit in the edit, because the tone of the fic was way too light to just drop this in here. dunno how well i did but i'd like for it to be less intense. especially when i'm handling such a touchy subject.

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