Chapter 10

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We made it into the abandoned building and inside there were Scorch marks and slashes in the walls from previous people. But this helped our story since Sasu has a fire affinity and I have wind. We all spill into the open space and start to stretch out our muscles. Kakashi calls out to Sakura and says, "Pick a sparring partner."

She looks over and stops to think. Then I saw a drool inch down her chin; I could practically see the types of fantasies that had started to fill her mind as she responded, "SASUKE-KUN!"

I look over to see him go to an empty area to start the spar with Kakashi. The others and I do the same with our own respective partners. I hear the older man with a mask call out. "Hey, Naru. Is that the old scarf? You know the one that-"

"Yeah, he felt more on the colder side this morning."


"Yeah, really. Why?"

"It's nothing, it's just that..."

"That..." I say while drawing out the word to urge the grey haired man to continue.

" It's just that I haven't seen that scarf in a long time and I didn't expect to see that scarf again. Especially on the grumpy emo boy of the group."

"Yeah well..."

The beautiful raven haired boy leaps gracefully and lands on Sakura's back. After successfully pinning her down. I cleared my throat to continue," he was feeling cold, that's all."

With that we both get warmed up and start sparring with Kakashi-nii. A few hours later we decided to finally take a break. Kakashi, Sakura, and Kurenai start to heal our kunai/shuriken cuts and bruises since we had to walk back into a foreign town. True that they are allied with our own village but the sensei's have been a bit on edge after the previous leader tried to kill us and all.

It wasn't even him though. It was that perverted snake guy.

Yeah, but no one but the council members and a select others like yourself are aware of that fact. As anyone else knows, their Kazekage tried to take over and kill us. But the third gave up his life to bring the old bastard down along with him.

I guess. Still-

"Sasuke," I heard Sakura say out loud while she was healing Sasu.


"How are you hurt this much? I mean, yeah we were training but a lot of chakra is being drained while trying to heal all your wounds."

As Kakashi-nii finishes up with me he walks over to see what was going on. I walked up behind him as Kakashi asked Sasu, "What about you being really hurt? I didn't see you get hit badly this time around."

Not many notice but the brunette started to get nervous as he quickly glanced my way before anyone noticed. With that Kakashi sensei requests, "Take the scarf off."


Sasu's eyes widened slightly with fear. I feel a drop of nervous sweat drip down the side of my face. Kakashi then takes a dominant step forward while saying in a commanding voice laced with worry, "Scarf. Off. Now."

"Calm down Kakashi," Asuma Sensei says, "He probably has an embarrassing hickey or something."

Kakashi looks over towards the other teacher and replies nonchalantly, "Then who gave it to him? Who gave him the hickey that bruised him enough for Sakura to notice while healing him. Because that either means that he has a vampire as a girlfriend or he's hiding a pretty bad injury from me."

"HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!" pinky yelled.

" I DON'T HAVE A DAMN GIRLFRIEND!" Sasu replied loudly while throwing me another panicked glance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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