Chapter 7

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I wake up to see beautiful long brown hair and smooth pale skin by my side. "G' morning Shuin." I whispered softly as I started to play with his soft hair to pass the time until he woke up. Then I bury my face into his hair in hopes to smell his gentle lavender smell.

When I breathe in I smell something almost sour. Then I realize that his body is stiff and cold. I quickly pull away and see his mouth gaping wide and his eyes partially open. I quickly scurry away which makes me fall off the bed.

I look down on myself and see blood all over my body. Then I look past the bed and see that we are in completely white rooms, besides the walls. Then I look over to the right of me and see the numbers 156 written across the wall in blood.

I try to stand up and run away but I slip and fall. I turn around to see Shuin just standing there with blood pouring out of his eyes and wounds. His white dress turned red. He tries to reach out and speak to me but I push away screaming.

I slowly open my eyes to see the sun barely peeking over the horizon. When I sit up I surprisingly find that the pain that I had been anticipating was gone. The injuries I sustained from the villagers four days ago seemed to be healed.

It got healed quite some time ago. Maybe around the time, you got up on stage yesterday. But since you were so distracted with your boyfriend, you didn't notice whatsoever. *snicker*

I- wha- He's not my boyfriend, he's just my boy - friend. There is a space in between the two words.

But you wish there wasn't any space in between you two.

Oh shut up already would you.

I get up and out of bed, grab my scrolls, and get my swimsuit and towel from the seal. I head over to the bathroom while rubbing away the crust around my eyes and step into the shower to wash away any grime left on my body. I combed my fingers through my hair and felt the shampoo separate each strand of hair from any gel I had yesterday.

Once I was done with my shower I got dressed in my swimsuit and went over to the hot springs bath. Since it was so early in the morning, I happened to be the only one up. This gave me time to myself to think. Though I still feel groggy, my mind is a little more clear than it was when I first woke up. I sit down in the hot springs and let my mind roam.

Now, what exactly happened yesterday.

Then memories of yesterday fill my mind. A rush of adrenaline filled my veins as the feeling of embarrassment consumed me. I put my hands on my head and tried to physically shake away my embarrassment.


We separate from each other and I hold his hand as we continue on our way back to the hot springs hotel. Mid stride I squeeze the other teen's hand a little tighter as I say, "Yeah, me too."

As we make our way back while inching closer to each other, slowly melting into each other's touch. Our fingers intertwined and our hips occasionally brushing each other from our closeness. We slowly make it to our destination.

Then we hear a group of people headed our way, we look up to see that it's the rookie 9 going back to the hot springs hotel too. Luckily they hadn't spotted us yet so the two of us quickly detach from each other and walk separately as if nothing happened.

When the people ahead of us looked up they waved us over. I pumped myself up and started jogging over with a huge grin on my face. Once I catch up with them I'm questioned why I left like that earlier on.

I made the excuse that I started laughing because sasuke said he was better than me in ninjutsu and I left with Sasuke and forced him to train with me last minute. And since we had already put our stuff we bought in stores into our scrolls, so no one suspected a thing. Then Sasuke showed up, he just nodded his head and went ahead of the group.

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