chapter 3

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I smile and say, "Goodbye Shuin."

When I woke up I found myself crying. Team seven was in the tent staring at me. The thing is that I feel happier that I've ever had after Shuin passed away. I feel relief and adrenaline flood my veins. Sobs wracked in my body as I cried and smiled. I take a deep breath and sigh with a new found happiness, knowing that the person I love is resting in peace. 

I then realized where I am and I stopped all movement. When I turn I see my team still looking at me with wide eyes filled with shock. And surprisingly the first one to rush to my side was Sasuke. 

His piercing eyes looked into my own and down into my soul. His voice rang out and said, "Are you okay Naruto? What's wrong?"

To make the others calm down I smile and say that I am fine. But this time this smile was genuine and I think the others noticed the difference because they looked at me weirdly after I smiled.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying Teme." I say playfully.

Kakashi then came into the conversation with, "Had a bad dream?"

I look up at the others and dry my face while saying,"No it was just a really good one."

Sakura's loud voice rang out soon after, "Baka! You had us worried for a second!"

And with that I got up and we started packing for the rest of the journey to the Sand village.

While walking down the path to the other village Kurama talks to worryingly.

You okay kit?

I can't see your dreams but I saw that you woke up crying.

I'm fine Kura-nii. I just had a really good dream.


What was it about?

My prince finally moved on.

That's good then.


When we arrived at the sand village's gates I saw Ino and Sakura gossiping with a few others. Sasuke was talking to kakashi about a new technique. And the others were walking and talking with one another.

When the gates opened I saw Gaara in his Kazekage robe. He walked towards me with his arms wide open. I ran to him and enveloped him in my arms. When we pulled away from each other the others were surrounding us. Gaara spoke out with an uncharacteristically passionate voice, "Did you feel that Naru? Shuin he-"

"Yeah I felt it too."

After my comment hung in the air, everyone looked really confused but Gaara and I ignored them and walked into the village. A weird energy lingering from earlier remained until Kiba coughed out, "So, Naru~"

This caught everyone's attention as Kiba kept going with a stifled laugh, " How come you and Kazekage-sama are so close?"

The others chuckled and grined in amusement as some others listened in curiously.

I looked at Garaa and the red haired boy nodded his head as I began to explain, " well~ you see... When I was around 5 another friend and I happened to bump into Garaa at the hokage tower."

The others looked at me in a confused manor and urged me to continue. I looked to the sky and said, " His father, the Kazekage at the time, had come over to discuss politics and whatnot with Jiji. I just so happened to have been in Jiji's office playing with my friend when a red haired boy hiding behind his father came in. And I gotta tell you; Garaa had the cutest stuffed animal and-"

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