Chapter 8

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A/N: It's been a while so here's a few extra thousand words than usual.

I wake up to a lightless room. The candles from earlier long burn out and warmth on my chest. I look down as my eyes adjust to the lack of light. Luckily I have night vision due to being a jinjuriki. As I stare down I see a sleeping Uchiha in my arms with his face smashed against my chest. I stifle a chuckle and carefully but strategically start to get up. I replace my body with a pillow and slowly change into some clothes.

Before I walk out I kneel beside the bed and look at the resting teen. A strand of hair falls on his pale skin and I sweep it to the side to see his face better. With that, I hear a tired groan as Sasuke scrunches his nose and scratches at his face. When he wrinkled his nose my heart fluttered and I walked away as my face heats up at the thought of the two of us sleeping together like that.

I silently walk out of the room and close the door behind me. As I made my way over to the kitchen I heard a distant voice getting closer. I feel my muscles tense until I get a glimpse of a red-haired Kazekage walking over towards me.

"Naru-chan, the others are worried about you and Sasuke." Gaara said in a slightly irritated voice, " You could have at least told Kakashi or me if you were going to spend the night somewhere else."

I look up over to him and scratch the back of my head and say, "Yeah, sorry about that. We weren't gonna spend the night in the first place. But things kinda... Well, I guess things just ended up this way.

And no matter how I think about it, I can't find it in myself to regret anything about last night.

Even if the brat saw all your scars?

Good morning to you too Onii-chan.

Yeah, whatever. I'm happy you're opening up to someone.

Yeah, me too.

"You done talking to them yet?"


"Are you done talking to big bro Kura? You blanked out halfway through my speech."

"Speech?" I said while I continued to walk down the corridor. "So, you admit that your lectures are abnormally long."

The teen behind me just grunts and walks beside me in response. I laugh at this making the red-haired leader look at me with a playful scowl on his face. As we make it to the kitchen I start to pull out ingredients for a normal breakfast for two. But before I started cooking I paused and looked up at Gaara. He looks over with curiosity as I ask him whether he wanted breakfast or not. He accepted and sat down by the kitchen counter. I started cooking the eggs and bacon in two other pans along with rice and miso soup in the two remaining pots lying around. By the time everything was done I heard shuffling by the entrance. A tired Uchiha comes walking over in some of my clothes which happen to be one of my old shorts and t-shirt from a few years ago. But since that was tight on me it was tight on him. Which sort of surprised me because he's always been more on the lean side than I am. Nonetheless, I stare. His collar bone sticking out from the rim of the shirt and his abbs chiseled onto the shirt's surface. I look up to meet the raven's eyes and in embarrassment, I quickly look away. I see Gaara smirk and raise a curious and mocking eyebrow. I lunge at him playfully as he raises his arms in defeat.

"Good morning, Sasuke."

I hear Sasuke's voice ring out, "G'mornin."

His morning voice is orgasmic. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

Be careful, you keep thinking about it and you'll get morning wood~

Shut up, you fox

I walk away towards the prepared plates. I grab two of them while Gaara grabs the other and sets them on the table. Once everyone was seated we all said our thanks and dug in. I hear a groan from the right of me. I glance over and see Sasu scarfing down the food I'd just made. This made me chuckle as I said to him, "Calm down, there's more food in the kitchen if you want some more."

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