chapter 5

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I am running through the quiet streets of the village as more and more people joined the group behind me. The collection of people were holding a mixture of weapons. I saw flashlights, shuriken, kunai, swords, kitchen knives, and blunt objects that range from rocks to shovels and huge wooden staffs. We were currently in the red light district. The red light district is considered the more dangerous part of the village. So loud sounds and yelling were easily ignored around these parts.

I'm running. Running for my life. Running to see the next day. Running to find another love one day. Running to be respected one day. Running for the chance to be happy in the future.

Tears fall down my face as the cuts and bruises from the night before start to sting. I know the streets of Konoha like the back of my hand from trying to escape the violent groups at night. But it's late and I'm tired. The darkness obstructs my view of the street signs and landmarks.

I turned a corner and ran forward only to find that I came across a dead end. I hear the screaming and the footsteps of the other villagers behind me get closer. Looking around I see a trash bin, old newspapers, and a broken beer bottle. I reach over to grab the glass shards only to stop myself halfway.

I can't fight back.

I'll only prove to them that I'm a monster.

Screw that Kit, do it. I can't see you get hurt like this anymore.

I cant Kura-nee. I can't hurt the people that I aim to protect.


I closed my eyes as the horde came closer and closer. A tear rolls down my cheek. I open my eyes to be cornered in the alley. A man walks forward then turns his back to me and faces toward the other villagers. The group got quiet as the man spoke in a dark and twisted voice, "Let the night begin."

I wake up slowly to find my body drenched in sweat. I look around and I see that everyone has already left. Or so I thought. I hear a click of the door behind me. And the one and only Sasuke Uchiha walked out in nothing but a towel.

His hair was wet and wasn't spiked up with gel. His bare torso was still wet and glistening. He looked down and stared at me. He stopped moving in shock before his face heated up in embarrassment. His face became beat red as he quickly started walking to his futon where his ninja scroll is. He unsealed his clothes and turned to walk back into the bathroom to change. When he stopped mid-stride to look over at me. The look of worry and confusion written across his face. I tilt my head in curiosity only to remember that I must not look too good since I just woke up from a nightmare.

Sasuke gets down on one knee and puts his hand up to my forehead and asks, "Are you okay? You don't look good." he removes his hand and continues to say, " you don't have a fever."

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"Well, I am."

He looks at me incredulously and sighs, "Naru, don't be like this. If you're feeling sick then you should tell me."

I freeze in shock.

Did he just call me NARU!

Yes, he did.

I look up to see Sasuke frozen in shock as well as his face heats up again for the second time today. He opens his mouth to apologize but I stop him by saying, "I like that."

You do?

He looked back at me with a poorly hidden smile and said, "You do?"

"I do . . . Sasu."

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