Chapter 4

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With that, Kurama stayed quiet.

I look back up to the Nara and smile while saying, "Somethings are better left unsaid."
I turn my back to Shikamaru and start to walk away. The other boy reaches out and before he is able to grab my sore arm. I pull my arm away and turn my head to look at him while sending him a glare. The brunette then froze in place in shock of my actions. After seeing Nara's stunned face I stopped giving him the harsh glare and softened up to show him an apologetic look. "Sorry Shikamaru, not now. I'll tell you when I'm ready. Until then, please respect my privacy."

After I had gotten far enough away and rounded a corner I wince. Looking down at my bandages where the other boy had grabbed me I grimace. Gently tugging at the end of the bangle it comes loose and reveals a fresh pink line of a healing wound. Tender to the touch I wrap it up and get to the public bathroom next to the hot spring changing rooms.
I walk into the biggest stall. I locked the door and changed into my ninja issued water shorts that went a little bit past my knees and covered up most of my scars. In the end, the only scars that were visible were small and can easily pass off as a scrape or injury from training.

I walk out with my clothes in hand and walk into the men's' changing room. I sneak in as quietly as I can and put my stuff in one of the lockers lined up against a wall. When I was finally noticed Sasuke walked over to me while saying, " Why'd you change before taking a shower?"


"You do know that you have to wash yourself before you get into the hot springs, right?"
Kiba then decides that this is the right time to interject, " How stupid are you Naruto? I mean really. Everyone knows that you have to bath before going into a public bath, it's just gross if you go in without washing yourself. Think about it, you don't want to get into a hot pool of dirty people right? So, you have to wash yourself."

The others in the changing room nod their heads. I look over at Kiba and argue, "Well, I've never been to a hot spring before. So, don't blame me for not knowing the rules."

To add a little flair to what I said I start to pout and whine loudly. Some look over to me in shock and the others looked at me as if they were just tired of my antics.
Neji spoke up, " Then what are you doing just standing there? Go take a shower before we head out."

I fear panic prickle in my chest. I take a short breath before trying to get the others out so I can go wash myself. I pretend to go through my stuff in the locker to give some time to come up with an excuse. Finally, I look up and say, " You guys head out without me, I might be a while."

The others shrug and start to gather their stuff. When they were finally gone I walk over to the adjoined part of the room where the showers are. I undress and start to gently scrub my skin, getting rid of the dirt from traveling for so long. I try to hurry up and wash my hair since I don't know when anyone could walk in.

Too late.

What do you mean?

You seriously didn't realize a person a few spaces from you?

I look around and see a man with a mask and grey hair in the shower next to mine. A feeling of dread fills my entire being.

He saw. There is no way he didn't see!

Calm down kit. He hasn't said anything about it yet.

That's the thing, yet. He hasn't said anything yet!

Suddenly a raspy but calming voice brings me to reality, "Breath Naruto, breathe. Everything's fine. I won't tell anybody if you don't want me to."

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