Chapter 6

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Friends come from the most strange places, don't they?

Yeah, they really do.

I look up at the grey-haired man, all dressed up and ready apart from the tie. We make eye contact as he grabs the tie from my hands and wraps it around my collar. Then it's silent. Soaking in the familial feel of each other's presence; I smile to myself. When the other person is done he turns me around and wipes nonexistent dust off my shoulders. Looking up I see both his eyes with one eye with swirling tomoe's looking at me through the reflection of the mirror. I laugh at this and he looks at me with an odd look on his face.


"It's nothing, really. It's just-"

Then I stop talking to let my laughs continue as he urges me to continue, "It's just what?"

"I can't believe you used your sharingan just to fix my tie."

"Hey, I just wanted it to look perfect."

I wipe a tear from my eye as I reply, "Okay, thanks."

Then I turn and walk out of the bathroom with a kakashi trail behind me. We grab the last of our things while striking up a conversation about the past and a few inside jokes. He then rubs my head with the palm of his head. I complain to him that he'll mess up my hair but he retorts that I didn't even fix it or anything. With that I gave up with attempting to fix it again. I look up to see the others at the entrance and the only people looking our way is Shikamaru and Sasuke.



I turn to see Sakura speed walk over while saying, "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG. WE WERE WAITING FOR YOU THIS ENTIRE TIME."


"Sorry Sakura-chan. I couldn't tie my tie."

"Whatever, just hurry."

Then she grabs me by the hair and starts to drag me out of the building. When caught up with the group of others the tugging stopped. I look up to see Sasuke holding Sakura's wrist away from my head.


He lets go and dismissively turns away from her. He glances my way as if to look for approval. I look up to him and smile. He grunts and keeps walking on ahead of the group. I feel a smirk growing but suppress it and settle for a quiet chuckle as I run up next to him and wrap my arm around his neck. And to everyone's surprise he didn't pull away, he just kept walking.

I start talking nonsense as my Naruto persona should while the others follow loosely behind. When I knew they were far enough away, I start to calm myself down and become more lax with my questions and requests. With that, Sasuke looks at me with a weird look on his face as he asks, "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"


"I don't know what you're talking about, Sasu."

I glance to the other teen as a faint blush paints his cheeks before he says, " Don't play dumb with me, Naru."

He stops and looks into my eyes. And from the corner of mine I see the others stop to see what's going on. I fling my arm around his neck once more and make him start to walk as I say in a hushed tone, "I'll tell you later, just leave it alone for now."

Sasuke looks at me and nods while cautiously replying, "You better, Dobe."

I looked at him in a confused way.

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