chapter 2

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Hinata looks at me worriedly and says, "O-on your side."

I do an overly exaggerated turn and grip the fabric, this movement hurt a lot but I had to sell the act. I looked up then sighed in fake relief, "Oh, this. This isn't my blood"

The others look at me and Kakashi asked, "What do you mean it's not your blood? It's on your jacket."

I laughed and answered the grey haired Jonin, "This is from the fish that we got. I guess it got hurt and started to bleed on me without me noticing. DANG IT! THIS WILL TAKE FOREVER TO WASH OUT!"

I sigh exasperatedly as the others chuckle with my sudden explosion of quirkiness. But instead of laughing with the others, Shikamaru looks at me with a suspectfull glint in his eyes and grunts before turning away.

After I drop off the fish, I tell them that I'm going to change my clothes and walk away. Once I get into my tent the strength in my legs give out and I fall. I take off my jacket and shirt and see the wound finally close. The pain I felt was so intense that I could hardly feel my legs from all the adrenaline that was pumped into my body.

I look in my bag to get out a clean pair of clothes. The thing is, I don't have any bright orange clothes left anymore. I was wearing my only orange jacket and I usually wear a black shirt underneath. But there is one thing I forgot to consider; I have too many scars on my arms from self infliction and the villagers. And I only have short sleeved shirts since I always had my jacket on.

I could go out with my orange jacket.

Then I heard Kurama speak out to me, "No, they'll be suspicious since you said that you would change out of it."

Then I could use a henge.

Kakashi and Sasuke can see through the genjutsu if the so pleased. It's too risky. If they found out, they would wonder not just where the scars came from but, why you'd hide them.

Then what should I do?

Wrap them in bandages, tell them that you got hurt when your prank went wrong.

But my pranks never go wrong!

Well, they did this time!

Ugh! Fine!

I get out my bandages and carefully wrap my arms up to my shoulders for full coverage. When I walk out I see shocked faces as I sit with them to eat. Hinata chokes on her water and Ino spits her water out. I look at them questioningly and look down at my body and see that nothing is wrong. I look back up and ask, "What?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHAT?!" Kiba yelled out mockingly, "WHEN DID YOU BECOME SO FREAK'IN FIT!!!"

Then I realized that I've never really taken off my jacket before. I then pretend to be angry and yell, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHEN DID I BECOME FIT! I'VE ALWAYS BEEN THIS FIT ... BECAUSE I AM AWESOME!"

Sakura then gets up and hits me on the head while yelling, "SHUT UP NARUTO-BAKA!"

I thought I was in the clear until Hinata spoke, "N-Naruto? Why do you h-have bandages on your arm?"

Damn! I guess you win Kurama.


"Well..." I start to say, "I was practicing on how to make a smoke bomb for a prank but I accidentally wrote the wrong kanji down. Let's just say that it was not a fun experience."

I smile widely while laughing and rubbing the back of my neck. The responses were as predicted.

Kakashi: you should really stop with those pranks.

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