soulmate au: five (part two)

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"The very first thing you're going to wanna do is get in like a slow dance position. One partner will have their hands on their partner's shoulders, the other partner's on their waist," The lady in the video, Renee, her name was, demonstrated with her partner.

Aru and Aiden sat on the floor focusing on the screen, soaking up every detail.

After a lot of failed attempts and laughter, the two decided to watch the beginning of the video first before they did anything.

"When the music starts, still staying in the slow dance position, step one, two, three, four times to the right. Make sure your steps correspond to the beat. Then, one, two, three four steps to the left. Repeat this sequence four times."

Aru sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth. So much contact. So much physical contact. Oh god, what if my hands are sweaty or my hair smells bad?! Oh god no.

"The next move is the Twirl and Lift, as I like to call it," Renee explained. "Boys, you're going to twirl your partner around with your right hand, and then bring her back in. When you bring her back in, you're going to grab her waist and lift her up. Make sure when you lift her up, she's well over your head."

Aiden's eyes widened. "Aru, I think we're going to have to get you a helmet because I'm definitely going to be dropping you at least once."

Aru laughed, but her cheeks were bright red. "Don't worry about it. I've probably taken worse hits."

"After the lift, both partners are going to turn in opposite directions, so where the girl once was, the guy is now. Make sure you stay in that slow dance position the whole time."

Aiden paused the video. "Let's stop there for now and just work on this part."

Aru nodded and sat up. Her hands felt clammy.

"Sorry if my hands are sweaty or callousy," Aru blurted.

"What?" Aiden looked at her.

Aru blushed. "Oh, um, nothing."

Aiden nodded and rewinded the video. "Let's do this."

"The very first thing you're going to wanna do is get in like a slow dance position. One partner will have their hands on their partner's shoulders, the other partner's on their waist," Aru heard Renee repeat for the second time.

Aru tentatively placed her hands on Aiden's shoulders and his on her waist. Her whole body heated up.

Millions of small Arus in her head were screaming and jumping up and down.

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Aiden laughed quietly. "Loosen up Aru. You're so stiff."

Aru flushed and forced her body to ease up.

I am a snowman melting, Aru told herself. I am relaxed. I am Olaf on a hot summer day.

"Four times to the right," Aiden reminded.

Right one, two, three, four, Aru counted in her head.

"Left," Aiden adjusted his hold on Aru's waist.

Left one, two, three, four.

"Two more times," Aru muttered.

Right one, two, three, four.

Left one, two, three, four.

Aiden let go and smiled. "There we go. That was pretty good! It is a simple move, but still good."

Aru felt her cheeks. They were burning. Burning.

She felt a vibration in the pocket of her skinny jeans and pulled out her phone.

Message from Mom: Aru, where are you? Come home, it's time for dinner.

"Oh," Aru frowned.

"What is it?" Aiden asked.

"It's my mom. She says it's time for dinner."

"Ah," Aiden ran a hand through his hair. "So, um, see you tomorrow? We can work on that twirl and lift thing. Wait, how are you getting home?"

Aru groaned. "I didn't think about that. I guess I'll have to walk. My house isn't that far away from school."

Aiden nodded and smiled. "See ya later."

Aru waved awkwardly. "See ya."

Why are you such a loser, Shah? Aru internally groaned as she walked out of the studio.

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