assassins au: nine

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The most random thoughts can pop into your brain at the most unexpected of times. They're kind of like groundhogs taking a peek outside the darkness of the ground to catch a glimpse of the new season. Aru had been scrubbing her sword clean of dirt when she suddenly recalled the first time she realized Ethan's feelings for Jenny went much deeper than friendship. It was around six years ago–Aru had dragged Jenny and Ethan to the weapons combat training arena for a mock battle. Even then, she had a strong passion for sword fighting. When it was Ethan's turn to fight Jenny, he'd refused to hit her even once with his sword (even though he had hit Aru until her side was purple with bruises). Aru's first thought had been, Rude. Her second thought was, Ethan likes Jenny. Really, really likes Jenny.

Aru laughed to herself. Was it even possible for Ethan to be subtle about his feelings? It's hard to be that obvious...

How long had it been since she'd seen them? Aru racked her brain, and realized that it had been over a month since they'd spent time with each other. A month since hearing Ethan's terrible jokes and watching it trigger Jenny's signature eye roll. Did that make her a poor friend? The guilt of it tugged at her heart, but Aru would be lying if she said she was surprised. She had been expecting not to see them as often while training as a Phoenix, but it didn't make the reality of the situation any better.

Fresh determination took hold of Aru. She refused to lose a quality friendship over something like training. She would somehow find a way to reconnect with Ethan and Jenny this week. If she had to drag them both by the ear, then so be it. Okay, maybe that was a little extreme. But either way, she would see them.


They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, but Aru had never truly resonated with the message. It made sense, but she didn't believe it applied to every situation. When her dad abruptly vanished from her life, Aru had missed him, but she had gotten over it after a while. After all, it was his decision to leave her. Sometimes she still wondered about him, but his whereabouts no longer consumed her every thought.

However when Aru caught sight of Jenny and Ethan waiting for her on a bench–Jenny's hair as fiery as ever and Ethan's laugh still as loud and obnoxious as she remembered it–Aru understood.

"ARUUUUUUUU!!!!" Jenny leaped from the bench and squealed, squashing her friend in a furious bear hug.


Jenny released her, but not before squeezing her one last time. "Geez," Aru rubbed her arms. "Have you been exercising more? I thought you were going to squeeze my lungs out of my mouth."

Ethan scrunched his nose. "What a pleasant visual."

"Is that how you say hello to me?" Aru socked her friend's arm. "Come on, you idiot."

Ethan grinned and engulfed Aru in a hug. Thankfully he didn't embrace Aru until she was suffering from an oxygen shortage, unlike Jenny.

"How have you been?" asked Jenny eagerly, joy dancing in her dark eyes. "I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other!"

Aru shrugged. "Oh, you know. Just trying not to get my limbs chopped off by a sword."

"So the usual, then," Ethan grinned and Aru almost forgot how much mischief radiated from it.

"Yep, the usual."

"Have you met any new people?" Jenny inquired, her voice suddenly taking on a playful tone. "Any handsome guys?"

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