movie day

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a/n if you guys read my karaoke oneshot from a couple weeks ago, you might remember this:

"Hey, don't judge! Frozen is a classic."

Aiden shuddered. "Aru forced me to watch that with her, like, a few weeks ago. I don't mind the movie, but she kept replaying the Let it Go scene! After the fourth replay, I just couldn't do it anymore."

"You're the one who agreed to watch it with me!"

"Well, had I known you would be replaying one scene a million different times, I wouldn't have watched it with you."


i was thinking about it, and i was like, "writing a oneshot about aru and aiden's impromptu movie day would be really cute lol."

sooooo, here we are now! 

you don't have to read the karaoke oneshot to understand this one though :)


"This kinda sucks," Aru glared at the relentless downpour of rain outside. The heavy droplets of water scurried down the glass of her living room window, leaving trails in their wake.

"I don't think Indra appreciated that," commented Aiden as he flipped through the pages of a History book.

"Just because the god of storms is my soul father, doesn't mean I have to like storms. I miss the sunshine."

"Well, while you're waiting for the rain to pass up, why don't you come join me and study like you're supposed to be doing. Our ancient history test is tomorrow, Shah. This is gonna be, like, half our History grade."

A loud sigh passed Aru's lips. As much as her brain protested at the thought of work, her grade could really use a passing score. "Alright, fine."

She pulled the dining chair across from Aiden and plopped down on the hard seat. Reaching out for her textbook and notebook, she began scanning the pages while jotting notes in between each article.

It wasn't long before Aru's eyes began to droop, like every word she read added weight to her eyelids.

I'm tiredddddd and this rain is not helping. I wish it were sunny, like a nice blanket of heat in the summer breeze. Like Olaf, LOL. IN SUMMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

"Wait, Aiden," Aru stood abruptly. "Let's watch Frozen."

"Huh? What?"

"Let's watch Frozen. We've been studying for hours—it's time for a break."

"Shah, it's been thirty minutes."

"That's a long time! C'mon, the movie's less than two hours long. Maybe the rain'll stop by then too."

He hesitated a moment before sighing heavily. "Alright. But make sure you study tonight."


Aru dashed to the film player underneath her TV. After pulling out Frozen from the shelf of DVDs next to the television stand, she inserted the silver disk into the player and crashed onto the couch. Aiden took a seat next to her, Shadowfax in hand.

Halfway through the opening sequence, Aru took hold of the controller and paused the scene. "I forgot snacks!" She rushed over to the kitchen cupboard and returned with a family-sized bag of Swedish Fish.

Aiden unpaused the movie. "What is up with your thing for Swedish Fish?" he asked.

"They're pure perfection," she grabbed a handful of the small red fish and poured it in her mouth. Plopping back down on the couch, she held the bag of candy out to Aiden and gestured for him to take some.

When he shook his head no, Aru merely shrugged and turned back to the TV. More for me, she thought with a grin.

It was quiet for quite some time after that and Aru was glad for it. She was one of those people who couldn't stand talking during a movie. It was just plain disruptive. If you're not one hundred percent invested in a film, then go talk somewhere else.

"The cold never bothered me anyway," Elsa slammed the door of her new ice palace behind her.

Aru eagerly reached for the remote control and started rewinding the parts, all the way back to the opening scene of Let it Go.

"What are you doing?" Aiden stared uncertainly at her.

"I'm rewatching Let it Go," Aru replied, her gaze not straying from the screen.

"Um, why?"

"'Cause I want to. Now be quiet so we can watch this masterpiece again."

Most people would've been content with watching their favorite scene twice. They would've thought, That's a really good scene, I love it. Now let's watch the rest of the movie, and they would carry on with the rest of the film.

Unfortunately, Aru Shah was not most people.

"Again?!" Aiden faced the roof and groaned. "This is the fourth time, Shah. The fourth time."

"So? What's wrong with watching a scene four times?"

"A lot of things. Don't you want to watch the rest of the movie?"

"Of course I do, but after I finish this scene," Aru smirked as she popped a Swedish Fish in her mouth. She was enjoying his suffering...maybe a little too much.

Aiden shook his head. "Sometimes, I question your sanity."

"That's not the first time I've heard that."

"How come you're like this? Why can't you be a normal, sensible human being?"

"Because if I was, I would be a boring snob like you."

"Well, at least I'm not a weird troll like you."

Aiden sounded annoyed but when Aru looked over, there was a slight smile on his lips.

And she found one touching hers too.

a/n  ah, my favorite past time: shipping characters :)

question: is there a side of you that people don't really see? (if you're comfortable with sharing, of course) question inspired by @HoneyJewelz's question. if you like a lighthearted, hilarious teen fiction romance, go check out her novels! they are my favorites <3

for me, there definitely is a different side haha. my friends see the mature, calm, and more sensible side of me. they don't see the i-just-threw-my-book-across-my-room-because-they-did-something-cute side of me. or the shamelessly-jamming-out-to-kpop-in-my-room side of me. yes, im quite the fangirl LOL.

see you guys next wednesday, and make sure y'all are staying safe out there!! love you <3

-abbizzzz <3

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