assassins au: seven

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BREAKING NEWS: Tavasth Returns? New Leadership Established Under Mysterious 'Sleeper'

Written by Aanya Laghari

It is no secret that Tavasth and Adadha are rival kingdoms. For decades, the two civilizations have been at constant warfare over the political, environmental, and economical aspects of the land's geography. Until Adadha's current ruler, Queen Aaleahya, stepped into the throne six years ago, the fighting was seemingly perpetual. But thanks to the efforts of Her Royal Majesty, we have been able to achieve a relatively safe period of time for our kingdom.

However, there has been a shift in Tavasth's leadership. Recently, a man named Suyodhana (more commonly referred to as 'The Sleeper') crowned himself king of Tavasth. According to Queen Aaleahya's soldiers, The Sleeper has gained immense popularity among the citizens of Tavasth. It is unclear what his true intentions are, but experts say it is likely that he's building an army. This army is expected to be a relentless military force established to overtake Adadha, but the queen has yet to confirm this.

To the good people and families of Adadha–do not fear! Be prepared, but keep terror out of your hearts. Our kingdom is home to one of the strongest military establishments, and the government has the support of our kingdom's loyal citizens. May Adadha live in peace and harmony!

Aiden released a sigh, fisting the newspaper in his palm.

At this point, he shouldn't have felt surprised. War was not uncommon in Adadha, but Aiden was hoping this time of peace could last just a little bit longer. He didn't think it was healthy for families to raise their children in a kingdom always at the center of a battlefield–he could recall Aru expressing something similar a couple days ago.

Aiden's lips twitched at the thought of Aru. A week has already passed since he'd met her for the first time. She had a quirky sense of humor, and Aiden often found himself laughing when he reflected back on their conversations. He hadn't been expecting to make a new friend so he was thankful, to say the least.

He still remembered his first real conversation with her. It had taken place in Instructor Tamaya's class when she instructed her students to partner up. Aiden had asked Brynne to pair up with him, but she'd declined his offer for Hira, another one of their friends. Aiden had an inkling that Brynne wanted to take the whole partner-thing as an opportunity to grow closer to Hira, so he left her alone without much protest. But with Brynne excluded as an option, he'd had no idea who to work with. That was when he spotted Aru sitting on the side, fanning her face with her hand. Initially he didn't recognize her, butupon closer inspection, remembered her as the girl who bumped into him at the pavilion. He was partnerless and she hadn't seemed to have a partner either, so Aiden had seen no harm in approaching her.

Aiden laughed to himself. He remembered Aru mentioning how she had two friends who were completely blind to their mutual feelings toward each other. He could recall feeling the same way about Mini and Rudy before they had committed to a relationship. Rudy was Aiden's cousin, and Mini was a close friend whose family owned a weapons shop in one of the primary marketplaces of Adadha. The two had been so oblivious, it'd felt both physically and emotionally painful to watch them interact.

Retreating from his thoughts, Aiden squinted at the setting sun, a yellow dot against a painting of orange and purple strokes. The Oksaana campus was quiet, most of its inhabitants long gone in the land of dreams. He figured it would be best to start heading back to his dorm room before the sun walked even further below the ground.

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