The Right Path

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Edmund's Point of View.

We've been walking for at least an hour now, hiking over boulders and roots of large evergreens.  Now on a dirt path, Peter leads with Susan and Lucy close behind. Ace, Trumpkin, and I follow.

"I don't remember this way," Lucy comments, confused.

"That's the problem with girls," Peter jokes, "Can't carry a map in your heads."

I'm pretty sure he's the one who can't.

"That's because our heads have something in them," Lucy replies.

I glance at Ace who lightly laughs.

"I wish he'd just listen to our D.L.F. in the first place," Susan tells Lucy.

"D.L.F.?" I interrupt.

"Dear Little Friend," she explains, throwing Trumpkin a cute smile.

"Oh, that's not at all patronizing, is it?" Trumpkin mumbles, quietly enough so Susan doesn't hear.

"It's a great nickname," Ace teases. "I'm calling you that from now on."

The trail leads us into a dark maze of granite that soon opens up to the sky but leaves us trapped.

"I'm not lost," Peter huffs as he eyes the three paths ahead of him.

"No, you're just going the wrong way," Trumpkin states. 

Peter rolls his eyes.

"You last saw Caspian in the Shuddering Woods and the quickest way to get there is to cross at River Rush," Peter replies, his tone on the verge of anger.

"But unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts," Trumpkin calmly says.

"That explains it then. You're mistaken," Peter spats.

Aslan, he's not usually this upset. 

That seems to shut everyone up because everyone remains quiet and walks on through the rest of the maze and the forest.

Besides the occasional twig snapping, bird chirping, and tree rustling, there's no noise until we hear loud rushing water. Peter follows it, then halting at the edge of a deep, vast ravine.

"You see over time, water erodes the earth's soil, carving deeper-" Susan starts, staring down at the three-hundred foot drop.

"Oh, shut up," Peter scoffs.

"Is there another way down?" I turn to Trumpkin.

"Yeah, falling."

"Well, I wasn't lost," Peter defends himself.

Of course, he wasn't.

We just couldn't go his way. 

"There's a ford near Beruna. How do you feel about swimming?" Trumpkin directs.

"I'd rather that than walking," Susan says.

In minor annoyance, I turn towards the path alongside the cliffs.

"Wait, what is that?" Ace questions, looking out across the ravine.

"Aslan? It's Aslan! It's Aslan over there!" exclaims Lucy. "Don't you see? He's right there..."

By the time I look to where she's pointing, I see nothing but woods.

"Do you see him now?" Trumpkin asks.

"I'm not crazy. He was there. He wanted us to follow him," Lucy defends, "You saw him, didn't you?"

"I saw something," Ace answers. "But I've never seen Aslan before so I can't be sure."

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