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My eyes flutter open as the light peaks through my lashes. Almost instantly, pain spreads through my body and I groan as the slightest movement hurts my neck.

My god, why did I let myself fall asleep on rock? Instant regret on that front.

I rub my eyes, clearing them to see Edmund sleeping. His hair is messy as always and falls in front of his face, partially covering his peaceful eyes. Okay, maybe I don't regret it as much.

His head is lying on his folded arm and I'm laying on his outstretched one. It's weird being this close. I can feel his breath graze me lightly. I try to move back, but he somehow notices the change and throws an arm over me. Damn. Now if I move, I risk waking him up and I can't do that. He deserves to sleep in, we'd been awake for two full days, and he looks so comfortable. I glance up at the sky to figure out the time and based on the sun's position, I can say it's around seven. Good. We still got hours till we have to meet everyone. I try to relax and fall back asleep, but I'm too sore and have too much on my mind. I have to talk to Trumpkin...the rest of the Narnians...Caspian...and maybe even Peter. I have to get up.

I lift his hand off from me, watching if he stirs, and as slowly as possible, I get up and slip on my boots. And I regret doing that as well because throbbing numbness sinks into my side and pain shoots through my legs. I must be a mess right now. I fix my hair and smooth out my dress and I approach the ledge to take a moment to appreciate the morning. It's so tranquil. A light mist lays over the cool grey morning and in the distance, I can hear the occasional twittering of birds. My eyes scan below and I notice Caspian sitting outside on one of the levels. Ah great, there's someone I can knock off my list.

I take a last look at Edmund and head into the fort to find Caspian. I approach him carefully from behind, worried I might scare him. He already seems tense. When I take a spot on the ledge a few feet away from him, he glances at me. His eyes are bloodshot, like he hadn't sleep at all last night, and his brows are furrowed. Probably confused as to why I'm bothering him.

"Don't worry, I won't stay long. I'm just here to say I appreciate you not encouraging Peter to throw me out yesterday."

He stays silent and continues looking out to the field.

"You didn't have it to do it. I haven't given you a reason to help me, so it was big of you. Miraz and the Telmarines wouldn't have done that, so...I think you're going to make a great king."

His mouth slightly parts, but he still doesn't say anything.

Wow, my words are really failing me right now.

"Well, I'll leave alone then," I start to get up.

"You did actually," he suddenly answers. "With your speech."

My eyes widen in surprise. I wouldn't even consider that.


"And I may have had issues with you in the past, but now we're on the same side," he replies. "That is enough reason to help you."

'A common enemy unites even the greatest of foes.'

The corners of his lips turn upwards and that's when I realize that Trufflehunter really was right. We'd somehow managed to put aside our past to work together as allies.

"Same with you," I answer. "But I need you to know that if I hurt you in the past-"

"No, you didn't...I just-" He drops his head with a sigh. "I didn't know..."

I stay quiet, unsure as to what he's implying.

"He killed my father."

My eyes immediately snap to him. "What? Who?"

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