[8] our cousin returns (with angst in tow)

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The wind seemed to be egging him on towards the dungeons. Traitorous powers. He clenched his fists and forced the wind back around into the courtyard. Harumi stiffened at the sudden change in the air, literally, but continued walking, her left hand resting casually on the pommel of her dagger. Morro brushed the green strands of hair out from his eyes and frowned to himself. The silence between the two right hand assassins of his father was tenuous. They didn't speak much outside work. But this was work, even if he hated it.

"So, Mente?"

"He's been giving us some trouble," Harumi flexed her long fingers. They were either pink from the late autumn cold or stained with blood she hadn't cleaned off properly. "The Emperor believes the presence of another elemental master could either...dissuade him from our cause, or force him into it."

"He refuses to work with us?" Morro was visibly surprised. It was only survivor's sense to side with his father. Maybe Mente didn't have that knack, but it would be his doom.

"It's a stubborn, age-old sort of thing. He's one of the oldest surviving elemental masters and is quite powerful. It is unwise of him to fight and have such resilient faith in the Hunted Seven." Harumi glanced at her phone, swiping down to check notifications. Nothing. Morro looked away quickly, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Waiting on someone?" The brash words jumped out of his mouth, leaving a salty undertone that always seemed to coat everything he said. Dammit, Morro.

Harumi was silent for a beat.

"A guy from highschool."




"No!" Harumi spluttered with laughter, then reined herself back. "Definitely no. He's a jerk and a half, a manipulator, a groper and has the humour of a six year old."


"Drop it, Tex. Besides, I doubt he ever wants to talk to me again after he found out what I've done. I shouldn't even be checking. It's distracting and, well—"

"And rule one. Cut off all emotional ties to save yourself in the future," Morro said softly. "Good luck with him, Blanche."

"Lady Blanche to you," she said, but it wasn't at all teasing like the words should have been. "Get your head in the game, Vortex. We need to help our Emperor and get Mente to join us willingly, or with force. Whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes." he echoed, stopping outside the dungeons' doors. He gave a sharp nod to the guards on duty as they scanned them, taking in the duo's fitted armour, dark red and gold detailing running across the plates.

"Vortex, Lady Blanche." They bowed deeply in trained unison, stepping aside to open the doors. The passage was damp and dingy, illuminated by a single hovering candle Morro kept alive with spurts of wind. He focused on that candle alone, a centre for his powers. Nothing could distract him. Seeing this particular elemental master in pain might trigger the master to inflict his mental pain onto Morro.

"Blanche," Morro unsheathed his nodachi, walking into the interrogation cell whilst stirring the winds around him. Harumi stalked inside with the grace of a predator cat - silent, deadly and very much dangerous.

The prisoner groaned, lifting his head slightly up. There was blood staining the right side of his face like an art project gone rogue. Tattered remains of swathes and swathes of grey barely kept his thin frame from shivering in the cold. This area of the palace was terrible in autumn and winter conditions.

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