[20] ouroboros shmorush

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"This insinuation is ridiculous! I shall not tolerate it,'' The Constrictai's chest heaved and he spewed forth a load of what Svanna, only a young Venomari, considered utter trash. "Emperor Wu has been nothing but gracious to us, and now you dare suggest that we become cowards when he's backed us from step one?"

"He's not responding to our demands. Do not forget, Skalidor, we are on the same page. We want our God to rise, but in order for that to happen, Emperor Wu must give us access to the Fangblade Map. It is our rightful artifact since they buried us underground."

"At least we have Ouroboros," sighed Fangtom dreamily. Really, it was the left head who said this (they were more of an airhead), the one Svanna called Fang. The other head, Tom, was slightly more brutal and bloodthirsty.

"Ouroboros will fall if we do not release the Devourer soon," By the wail of pain, Tom had bashed his head into Fang and they both squabbled for a second.

"We stand with the side," Tom announced.

"That wins." Fang declared, and Svanna face palmed.

"I'm the winning side!" Skalidor, Acidicus, and Skales exclaimed loudly over each other. Like all the other council meetings, it dissolved into yelling and arguments. They hadn't had an agreement in ages, and in that time, she'd been training and going into battle.

Svanna resisted the urge to run into the council room and yell at all of them. None except her father (who even now rarely joined), participated in battle. They didn't see how hard it was hitting their people - food was scarce, they were having to raid villages on the outskirts, and Wu had retaliated weakly until he found out it was them. The Sons of Garmadon were preying on them, and so were the other human gangs like the Ghosts and Skulkins. It was the only acknowledgement they'd gotten from their oh-so-great Emperor since he'd told them a copy of the Map had gone missing.

She, however, had been in every battle. She'd bled, she'd lost scales, she'd stepped up in place of her father, General Acidicus, and that time in Caves of Despair as a scared young Venomari had simply built her up for this. People were already calling her Lieutenant General Svanna, and although it had a nice ring to it, the name sounded wrong. She was only fourteen, and the burden of leading the Venomari would be too much. Is too much.

Svanna had been doing it for a while now anyways, and it was exhausting. She hadn't slept in ages because someone was always asking her for help, orders, or answers. The latter which she didn't have all the time, but being out there and fighting against the secret underground force known as the Sons of Garmadon, she'd had a glance of the surface dwellers.

"We must consider if Ouroboros will be destroyed once we summon the mortal form of the Great God the Devourer." her father was saying, "Do we risk our home for our God?"

Svanna held in her gasp of outrage. He was even considering letting what she'd thought was a great being destroy her own home? She had only known the outside world of Ninjago for a few months, but in those months, she had learnt that there is a reason for the creation of everything. The Devourer would only destroy that purpose, and all the beautiful things along with it. The council table exploded into chaos again.

"I say we wait for Wu!" her father yelled desperately over all the noise. "Who's with me?"

"I am," Skalidor said immediately. "I stand with Acidicus."

"He is unreliable. We must look for the Fangblades ourselves." Skales shook his head.

"I agree with Skales," Tom said, and Fang's stuttering support came after. "Y—yes. We stand with Skales."

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