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Cat's P.O.V

Its 10:30.. I think now. I don't really know.. Its really blurry. I laugh as we joke around and dance. Matt's really drunk. He saw Cam kissing someone and he flipped and told Nash.. Cam was kissing Nash.. Now Nash thinks that Cam was cheating on him. "You know that it was you who was kissing Cam. Matt's just wasted." I say as Nash glares at Cam.. But his glare softens as i say that.. "Really? I was so rude to him."

I nod as Nash goes and apologizes. Taylor turns off the stereo. "Has anyone seen Jeff?" He yells. All i hear is bunch of no's and murmurs. He then hits play and falls.. Oh god he's passed out.. Well then..

"Well.. Taylor just passed out. Maybe we should call it a night and go play truth or dare.." Matt laughs. We all gather and pick up Taylor. We drag him up the stairs and sit in the upstairs family room.. No one's really upstairs because theres no paint and the music is blurred.

We all sit in a circle.. "Okay so we're playing truth or dare." Matt smirks. We all agree and start off easy. "Cam, i dare you to kiss Sammy's foot." Matt laughs. Cam kisses Sammy's foot. "JJ i dare you to lick Breanne's ear." Cam laughs. He leans over and licks her ear as she giggles.

Now it gets harder.. "Jack, i dare you to make out with Chloe for 30 seconds." Breanne smirks. She pulls him in by his shirt and they go until their time is up. "Hmm.." Jack smirks.. "Sammy. I dare you to go into the closet with Cat for 7 minutes in heaven." Jack chuckles. Sammy smirks and I freeze in my spot. "Guys I'm not doing that." I speak up as Sammy grabs me by my arm.. "C'mon Cat.. Its a dare." Aaron smirks. "No guys.. No" I start to yell.

Sammy tries to pull me up and i start crying and curl up into a ball. "Guys I'm not going in there. Don't let him to this." I grab onto Matt's arm beside me. "C'mon Cat. Its a dare just do it." Sammy gets me up and i scream again. Everyone stands up. "Okay no lets just stop." Cam says. Sammy shakes his head and keeps pulling me to the closet.

"Stop him." I cry more as i can't see anything. I hear a 'hmph' and i fall out of Sam's grip. I feel myself get picked up and brought somewhere where i can't see or hear anyone. "Matt stop!" I hear Aly yell.. Wait Aly.. Omg.. He's beating up Sam.

I try to get up but whoever brought me in here won't let me leave. I wipe my eyes and I see its Nash. "What happened back there?" He asks me with concern.

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