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Matthew's P.O.V

Its been another 2 weeks that have passed.. I frown as college catches up with us faster each second.. I hold her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles. She smiles cheek to cheek as we sit in my jeep watching the Valentines fire works and eating our favourite ice cream.

"Times like these are the best." She grins. My heart melts as i adore her complexion and nod. We wait for the last fire work as it flies all the way up and explodes into 5 other fire works that explode into small little hearts.

She looks up amazed as the colour of the fireworks tint her face a light red. "What are we doing tomorrow?" She asks smirking.. She knows my answer. We made a plan of what were gonna do from now until we both leave for college..

"Umm... Hmm i don't know what do you think?" I joke around with her. Her face drops.. "You don't know?" I laugh. "Of course i know. Tomorrow we are going sky diving." She jump excitedly. "Im so excited!" She cheers.

I chuckles and squeeze her hand. "God you're adorable." I angle my head and look at her lips. She hits me. "Im not cute. Im 'fucking sexy' remember." She smirks as she laughs at the guy that told her she looked fucking sexy when we dress shopping for our date. I glare. God that guy pissed me off. Girls are't fucking sexy. They're beautiful and gorgeous. They aren't items.

I don't want my baby treated like that.. I could've kicked his ass then and there. "Oh get over it mr. Tough guy. I only love you." She leaves over and kisses me softly. "Mm chocolate." I laugh as i taste ice cream.

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