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Cat's P.O.V

We both watch disney movies as i close my eyes and breathe in his scent. He's just so perfect. How can someone be this perfect.


I wake up as sun beams hit my eyes. "What do you want to do?" Matt asks as I look up at him. "How long have you been awake?" I blush. "Mm, like an hour."

"Why did't you wake me?" ... "Well i thought you looked adorable. With your eyes closed, when your nosed crinkled as the sun beamed onto your face."

I blush and lean up to peck his lips. "Wanna go penny boarding or something?" I smirk. Matt jumps out of the bed. "Yes, omg get up lazy ass." He grabs clothes and goes into the washroom.

I hear the shower turn on and i laugh. God he's such a loser. He loves penny boarding. He says if they made it a school activity he'd have a 100%. Speaking of school. College starts really soon.. I wonder where he's going.. I mean we can still make this work right? We just became official. I frown as i hear the shower turn off and he comes out a minute later.

"Hey. Get ready." Get tackles me. I don't laugh or anything i shrug him off and get my clothes out of my drawers in his dresser. I go in and hop into the shower..

Whats gonna happen. What if he finds someone better.. That'll hurt.. I just hope when he says he loves me he means it.. Because if he does he can't just replace me right?

Once I'm finished i just braid my hair and we both toast some bagels, grab our penny boards and were out the door. We board down the road and over the pier.

I stop and look at the blaring sun. Shinning onto the slowly moving waves of the water. I close my eyes and feel the slight breeze and the seagulls as they fly over head. I feel arm wrap around my waist. "Im gonna miss this." I whisper.. "What do you mean 'miss'?" He asks.

"Matt, college.. I know you're probably dead set on going to your dream college and so am I.. We gonna be apart." A tear slips from my eye as I think about the time that comes. "We have almost 2 months.. Don't think about the future just think about us now." He kisses my cheek.

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