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Cat's P.O.V

"Okay get up you lazy." I grab Matt hand and try to rip him out of the bundle of blankets we were in.

"Never." He puts all his weight on his back so i can't pull him up. I drop him and he turns over again. "Okay.. I guess I'm just gonna go to JJ's tent." I say as i start to walk out. He hops put of bed. "Okay I'm up!" He hates when I'm near JJ because sorta hooked up at Jack's party.

"You're a dork. Remember i was drunk." I grab his hand and pull him out of the tent.

We walk over to Nash and Cameron's tent. "Get up lovebirds" i call as i hit the tent. They hate when we say love bird because they both like girls but its funny because a lot of people say they would make a cute gay couple. {I vote Cash gay couple of the year}

"Stop saying that." Nash pokes his head out and glares at me. Matt walks over to Jack and JJ's tent and hits it. "Get up you losers." He shakes the tent and keeps shaking it. Then both Jacks come out. Now everyone is out of their tents.

"remember, we get to give each of you a truth or dare." I look at Matt and smirk.

We all sit down out front as Cam lights the fire. "So. I'll go first I guess." I say. "So JJ.. Truth: Who took your virginity?" I ask with a smirk.

He looks awkwardly at the ground. "You." He whispers. My smirk drops. "Oh my Did i really?" I ask sadly. He should have got his virginity taken by someone he wanted to with.. Not from being drunk. "Naw, I'm just fucking with you." He laughs. "It was in grade 10 from Leigh.." He says awkwardly. Aw, i hate that bitch. Jacks ex girlfriend. "Ew, i feel sorry for you." I pat his shoulder while i burst out laughing.

We play for a bit and got a few dares around and a few truths now here comes a big one.. "Nash, who do you like?" Matt asks him.

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