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Cat's P.O.V

I told her the whole story.. How he beat me.. Treated me like shit.. But how i didn't break up with him because he had something against me.. "You were pregnant with Sammy's baby?" She gasps. I nod and start to sob. She sits up and pulls me into a hug. "So thats what he hand against you.. He would tell everyone you were a pregnant 16 year old." She whispers and i nod and sob into her shoulder.

Soon the door opens and Matt comes in. "Are you okay?" He gasps and rushes to my side. I nod. Breanne smirks and leaves the room.

-2 months later-

"I remember that." Matthew laughs. As i remind him about the time i was scared of the dog at the beach because it was barking and growling at me. He had to come pick me up and carry me to the water.

I look up at him and a tear slips as he is laughing so hard. "That was so funny. I remember i made fun of you like everyday." He swipes his thumb across my cheek. We aren't really official yet but everyone told me that he always talks about me and says he's gonna ask me out soon.

"Hey lets go to our place!" He says as he grabs my hand. He pulls me up off the blanket on the sand in the beach and i follow him.

When we get there he smirks. "You go first this time." We both get out of the car and run to the place. He laughs and picks me up. I laugh and hit his back. "Put me down you loser." I smirk as he puts me down. I pull off my shorts and crop top to reveal my black and teal bathing suit.

Matt pulls of his shirt. He's wearing his trunks. "Remember you go first." He smirks. I nod as I stand at the ledge and look at the moonlight casting over the water.. God i love this place. "1..2.." I whisper as I'm about to jump. "3." Matt says as he grabs my hand and we jump in together. We fall for a bit as its a huge jump. Then we finally hit the water. We both come up laughing.

"It feels further down each time doesn't it?" I nod as i swim towards the shore beside the cliff. I run to the rope. Matt chases after me. I sit on the swing close to the water as Matt starts to push me. Once i get high enough i jump off the swing and land in the water.

Matt laughs. "You should have seen your face" he calls out dying of laughter. "Oh shut up." I laugh as i decide to play a prank on him.. "Matthew help!" I yell as I act as if i'm drowning. I plunge up and gasp for air then sink back down.

I soon feel hands pull me up. "I look at Matt as i see the tears pour out of his eyes onto his perfect skin." ... "Oh my god Matt don't cry. I was just kidding!" I wrap my arms tightly around him.

Then I Met You// m.eWhere stories live. Discover now