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In this one shot: is set just after Joyce turns the keys, cabin is destroyed and Alexei and Billy don't die. El doesn't lose her powers. Joyce's POV.


The machine exploded right infront of me and Hopper was in that room. Was he dead? He had to be dead, right? There was no way he survived that. Once the explosion stopped i opened my eyes to see an empty platform, the last ting i wanted to see. I opened the door and ran onto the platform where Hopper was just stood and i broke down crying. I felt someone tap my shoulder a few minutes later and to my suprise it was Hopper.

"why are you crying?" he asked confused "i thought you were dead asshole" i began crying even more i was unsure why. "Joyce i'm not going anywhere okay" i smiled "promise?" i asked "seriously you are worse than El" i rolled my eyes "fine i promise" he said wiping away one of my tears "good" i said before pulling him into a hug.

I heard Murray shout "hey lovebirds i hate to ruin the moment but we need to leave now!" we both pulled away from the hug and ran to the vent room hand in hand. We didn't notice this until we actually reached the room and then our hands left eachother. We climbed into the vents which were suprisingly large and escaped leaving the military to deal with the Russians. Once outside me and Hop parted to reunite with our kids.

I didn't want him to leave of course he almost died, we all almost died. Then i remembered what Lucas said in the mall earlier tonight the cabin was destroyed. They had nowhere to stay and i wasn't going to let that happen. I walked over to Hopper who was sat in an ambulance with El getting checked out, i needed to aswell because i was thrown around by a giant Russian but that wasn't my concern. El was finished her check up and walked over to sit with Max so it was just me and Hopper.

"so Hop i know what you are going to say before i even ask this but you and El don't have a place to stay so would you please just stay at my house?" he sighed "Joyce it's not our place and i can't possibly accept" i laughed "seriously Hop you are staying until the cabin is fixed got it?" i asked he laughed at me "sure Joyce how can i say no to you?" Once we were both finished getting checked out and the kids were all okay we started to walk back to the house, it wasn't too far.

The kids were fine with the plan of Hop and El to stay here until the cabin was fixed. Once back at home the kids went straight to sleep it was early hours of the morning. However i couldn't sleep not tonight anyway. Me and Hop were watching TV in silence before i got up and grabbed my cigarettes and lighter "coming?" i asked leaving for the front door. He followed and closed the door quietly.

"so Joyce how are you holding up?" he asked reaching for a cigarette. "i-i'm fine Hop" he looked concerned "no you aren't Joyce what's going on?" he asked taking a smoke of his cigarette. "it's just every time i close my eyes i see you standing on the other side of that machine and dying it feels so real" i began to tear up as the last word left my mouth. He put his hand on my face and turned it towards his "i'm not going anywhere i told you this come on Joy i promised" i laughed "i know i believe you"

"so care to share why you were so upset when you thought i died?" he asked throwing a cigarette bud to the floor. Oh shit here we go "i don't know i guess i'm just scared to lose my best friend." i said but the word friend stung me. "it makes sense i understand" i sighed and walked inside "you should get some sleep" he said with his arm around my shoulder "i can't sleep" he sighed "why not Joy you are clearly tired" "i know i am i just can't sleep i don't know why" he grabbed a glass of water and said "just go and lie down then okay" i sighed "fine, goodnight" and i left him in the living room, we were both alone.

I did eventually fall to sleep but when i awoke at 6am i saw a worried Hopper sat next to me. "Joy are you okay?" he asked placing water on my bedside table "yeah, i think what happened?" i asked slightly confused on what happened. "well i heard crying so i checked on El and Will it wasn't them and it wasn't Jonathan either so i came in here and i think you were having a nightmare" my face turned white as i remembered what happened in the dream. 

The demodogs got Hopper, the dream wasn't about Bob this time it was about Hopper. Why is everything i think about linking to him? "Joy what happened in the dream?" he asked concerned for me. "it was the demodogs they got you just like they got Bob and i didn't do anything" i began to cry yet again, why was i being so weak? "hey it's okay Joyce" he gave me a hug and i felt safe in his arms. 

As he pulled away from me i felt a wave of confidence. I moved my face an inch or so from his and pulled him in by the shirt and gave him a kiss! Oh My God! I just did that, but it wasn't over yet i have to say something. "i love you Hop that's why i'm so scared of losing you" he looked shocked and relieved. I was just about to speak when he pulled me in for another kiss "i love you too i always have" he said once pulled away from me. We both fell back to sleep in each others arms.

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