Chapter 13: A Little Bit of Empathy Wouldn't Hurt

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In the Silny hospital bed, Hal finally got an answer to her questions during her childhood. She knew she had abilities of telekinesis and telepathy, but she never thought of having empathy. All along, she assumed that her emotional outbursts were just part of her. She sighed in relief and now understood why she dreaded funerals so much, why she couldn't control all the emotions she felt.

No wonder funerals were so damn heavy. She hated seeing people cry, but she felt her heart wrench on the silent ones; they carried most of the burden inside. "Looks like I'm much like my dad too." said Hal, her words escaping with her breath. She looked at her side and saw Zee exhausted from transporting her to the clinic; his head was resting on her bedside. He came to her rescue after the Stables incident. All she remembered she blacked out from walking, and a wind caught her.

Madame Naomi Pura, the head healer of the infirmary, noticed Hal had woken up and checked her vitals. "You look quite fine right now. First time you've felt a great surge of energy, huh?"

Hal gazed at the head nurse; She seemed extremely young for a human. She could be an elf, because of her long silver hair kept neatly in a long braid. She never dared ask if she was. She had the most angelic smile and her skin radiated like fireflies in the midnight sky. Amongst all the staff in GEOS, she had grown close with Madame Naomi Pura because of her usual visits at the clinic, her talk of nightmares, and her unusual headaches after too much of Pysche classes and the recent incidents.

Hal nodded in reply.

"I'm also an empath. I see that having psychic abilities and empathy together is quite a painful ordain. You feel their hearts and read their minds."

"Yeah. I can't seem to control it. At least, I've mastered my psychic abilities already. I tried to get into someone else's memories within a dream. It was too much..."

"Those memories kept deep hurt the most. My mother used to say that." The nurse sighed and looked through the window.

"Madame Pura, if you don't mind me saying, you look beautiful but I can't seem to place you in the Realm Community. Are you an elf?"

"Something similar. Legends say that my lineage comes from the sky. We are like stars, comets or suns. I'm just like your friend there."

The next phrases came out like word vomit, that she had to ask too. "Do you know what a Luine is?"

"They're a group of extraordinary beings to protect the world. I rarely find humans interested in Luines. Where did you read it from?"

"I heard it from Ken Huoile and Charmain Halliwell."

"I see. Let's keep your mind at rest, shall we?"

Madame Pura raised her hand and produced a luminous orb. It sped around the room and then spun in front of Hal.

Hal took the orb and put it near her heart. Suddenly, the orb dissipated into small glowing particles that enveloped Hal. She sighed in relief as she felt light-headed, a bit drunk from a dose of some tingling senses. Hal asked, "What's happening?"

"We call them memory orbs. That will help you control your empathy skills. I share my knowledge of empathy with you." Miss Pura smiled and watched the particles turn into dust.

Hal's skin released a bright glow similar to Miss Pura's then faded back. She felt relieved that the heavy pains vanished.

"Salamat. Thanks. Will I be able to do that too?" said Hal, examining her hands. She searched her arms for any residue of the orb but there were none.

"Maybe, but it's an exhausting skill that only a few can handle. It feels like a part of your spirit would be taken from you. Take care of yourself. Entering someone's mind is quite different from feeling someone's innermost sentiments." Miss Pura said. "If you don't mind me asking as well, do you believe in the Luines?"

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