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"Layton, I'm not in the mood." 

"Please? Em? I've been waiting for forever," He whined.

"No. Every time I come over here you just beg me to have sex with you, and you wonder why I'm never over. Please can we just do something, that's not sex, like a normal couple?" 

"You think we're not a normal couple?"

Great. Now he's all defensive.

"No. We're not normal and I'm tired of pretending we are. I'm going home, Lay."

I sighed as I left him muttering something about me being ungrateful. Honestly, I can't wait until it's over. I'm too pussy to break up with him, at this point he's one of the only friends I have. I cut off all of my old friends, mostly because of him. He got jealous that I was spending time with my friends instead of him all the time, and at that point I was too blind to see how harmful this relationship is. It wasn't at the time, we used to do things. Things, as in cute dates, watching the sunset etc. Now, he just uses me for sex. The only conversation we have is when he's begging for it. 

Driving always relaxed me, no matter what situation. That's a huge advantage about living 20 minutes away from my boyfriend, because after I went over, I always had a small amount of time in my car to calm me down and help me collect my thoughts before I went home. 


"Hey Emi!"

"Hey Layton," I spoke half heartedly. He had waited for me by my locker, which he never does anymore, he's usually always with his highly obnoxious and annoying group of friends. I usually stay out of their way, I don't want to waste my time. 

On top of that, Layton only ever greets me nicely when he wants something from me. 

"So I was thinking."

Here we go.

"I was thinking, my man Que has a girlfriend, and they're going out Friday night. Wanna come? it can be like a double date, and I think it would be pretty fun."

"Where?" I ask, uninterested.

"Oh, just a restaurant. Come on, we haven't been spending much time together recently, I think it would be nice."

 I sighed. I hate giving in to him, but maybe this time he genuinely feels bad and wants to make it up to me.

"Okay, pick me up Friday, I'll be ready. You on for lunch today?" 

"Um, no I actually can't today. You can sit with Abby right? I gotta head," he basically shoued while rushing off.

I haven't seen Abby since last year, so no, Layton. I'll just be sitting alone again while you're away doing whatever. 

I sighed, it's not like it was anything new.

 At least there's Friday to look forward to, I think.


i have a lot more inspo for this book than i did for the last so yeah :)

also, the next chapters will be longer, this one id just the first and i hate writing the first chapters.


𝑑𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 I billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now