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tw: mentions of alcohol consumption.


Billie stayed in the bathroom with me until I had calmed down. It had been a while since I had broken down like that, it was weird. 

Gently, she dried any remaining tears off my face with her sleeves. 

"Pub bathrooms are useless, I have to use my sleeve to dry your face," she joked.

Suddenly, I felt guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run off and cry like that, it doesn't usually happen," I rushed.

"There's literally no need to apologize. It happens, its okay."

"You didn't need to sit with a pathetic girl you've only known for a couple of hours while she cried though."

"Shut uppp," she laughed. "I'll do it anytime. Literally, if you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me, please. Here, I'll put my number in your phone."

"You hardly know me though, don't you have other friends to be doing that for?" I wondered aloud.

"I kind of lost most of my friends," she mumbled, while handing my phone back to me. She had saved her contact as "bestie bil". I smiled slightly, shoving my phone into my pocket. 

"I lost most of mine too," I mumbled back.

Suddenly, her phone started to ring. She jumped slightly, looking terrified for a split second as she looked at the contact name, prior to her expression being cleared of any emotion as she picked up.


"Hey Brandon," she spoke.

Her boyfriend? Why was she having that reaction to her own boyfriend calling her? Why was it almost the exact same reaction as mine when Layton called?

"Okay," she mumbled. "Love you."

She waited for a moment, but there was only silence before the line went dead. She put her phone in her pocket and drew a shaky breath before addressing me. 

"We have to go back, our boyfriends are waiting for us out there," she smiled and stood up, offering her hand to me. I took it, and we exited the bathroom. Our boyfriends were now sitting at the bar, with half empty drinks beside them, laughing drunkenly at something. Billie's brow furrowed, and my hands started shaking. I hated it when Layton got drunk. We made our way over to them nonetheless, and I loyally took my seat beside my boyfriend. 

"Want a drink?" Brandon slurred. Billie shook her head no, and took a seat beside me, Brandon on her other side.

"What about you, beautiful?" asked Layton, his slimy hand reaching up to caress my cheek.

"No thank you," I smiled, but my hands started shaking a lot more violently than before.

"Suit yourself," Layton shrugged, basically leaning over me and Billie to hand Brandon another drink.

"Why are your hands shaking," whispered a sudden voice in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I shrugged. Then, a hand slipped into mine, holding it firmly, but not too tight. Her hands seemed to be shaking too, and I only just realized how nervous she looked.

"Hey, you okay?" I whispered into her ear this time. Before I could get an answer though, Layton was grabbing my arm urgently, saying "Hey Emi. We gotta bolt, I forgot I blew all my money."

His money? Anger started to boil up inside me, but I pushed it down as I hurried after him, Billie still holding on to my hand. We seemed to be fine, we had made it out with nobody following us. One of these days, we weren't going to get so lucky. 

"So I guess this is goodbye for now?" I spun round to face Billie. 

"Yeah," I sighed. "Gotta go drive Layton home I guess."

Then, I was being pulled into a quick hug. 

"Remember, my offer from earlier still stands," she warned.

"Thank you. Really though. And you too, I'm always open for literally anything."

"Thanks," she grinned.


idk what this chapter even is but yeah ig

i hope you're having a good day/night!

-evie <3

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