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2 weeks later
Layton was going to a party.

I didn't care much for parties, especially those thrown by people my age. I rarely drink or do drugs, mostly a result of experiences with others in my life doing so. Then again, I rarely go to parties or anywhere where I should feel the need to, which is possibly why I wasn't so fond of them. I didn't know much of the experience.

"Em. I've been talking to you, you never listen."

Oh. There was Layton snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what was it again?"

He sighed exaggeratedly. "The party on Thursday."

Oh yeah, did I want to go. Short answer, no. Long answer, yes. If a certain person would be there too.

"Is Brandon going to be there?" I mumbled as nonchalantly as I could manage, never once meeting his pale blue eyes with my own bright green ones.

He hummed, seemingly trying to figure out why I would care. 

"Yes. It's at his second house."

Second house? I must have underestimated how rich he was. It was just unfortunate how he couldn't spare enough money to pay for those drinks that night I met Billie for the first time...


I dutifully kept my grip on Layton's hand as he led me through the doors of the overly big house. Immediately a stench of weed and alcohol hit me, making me want to turn around and run. I kept my grip on my boyfriend's hand though, and followed him through the house, the smell of weed, alcohol, sweat and sex increasing with my heartrate and every further step. 

We entered a large kitchen, and Layton's hand immediately lost its grip on mine upon seeing how many girls were standing alone, drinking cocktails and whatnot. 

"Imma be in here for a little bit. You can go do whatever." 

I stood there, dumbstruck. He practically drags me here, then just abandons me? 

"Emi! Leave. Please."

So I did. I felt so lost in this huge building, filled with so many people I didn't know at all. I came to the conclusion that the less people, the better, and began to search for the least crowded room. I eventually came across one which was practically desolate, save for a few people playing poker and cards in the corners, and one girl sitting on a couch, scrolling through her phone. I recognized her...

She looked up and smiled, gesturing for me to join her. It was Billie! I returned the smile, sitting down beside her.

"So I suppose your ass was dragged here too?" She questioned knowingly.

"Yup," I simply stated.


The room had been completely emptied now, this going unnoticed by both of us as we continued animatedly in our discussion.

"No but really, think about it. When you fall asleep, where the hell do you go."

"I don't know," I laughed. "Your brain goes into..."

"No! I don't want to hear that again. Are you really just laying there, while..."

Billie was cut off by the door swinging open, and two people busting in. They seemed to be in the middle of a make out session, by the way they attacked each other's lips as soon as they had slammed the door shut behind them.

"In here looks empty, let's go baby," urged Layton.

"No, it's not," I said coldly, standing up.


𝑑𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 I billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now