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tw: mentions of alcohol consumption 


I never know whether to make an effort with my appearance when I "go out" with Layton. I don't even know where we're going, he just told me to be ready by 9pm. I'm probably going to end up being out half the night with him, but at this point I'm too exhausted to even argue against it. I just throw on an oversized denim jacket over a black, loose fitting crop top and cargo pants. Not much effort, but enough so that it looks like I care. Well, I don't care, but I don't have to look like that. 

"Layton's here!" screeched mom. 

I yelled back a half hearted "Coming!" before brushing through my hair for the last time and making my way downstairs. My mom looked at me, clearly worried about me going out with him again. She never said anything, but I knew she disliked him. Quite a lot. I can't blame her, to be honest.

Layton never came to the door, instead waiting for me to come to him. I got into his quite frankly, ugly car and made myself as comfortable as possible. 

"Hey baby. You look amazing."

"Thank you. You look good too." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact, which I did at all costs.

We drove off, and my thoughts wandered. I hate myself for hating my boyfriend. I'm literally lucky enough to be in a relationship, and all I do is think about how much I despise it, but am I wrong for wishing I was in a relationship with someone who actually cared about me? My feelings? How my day went? Someone who isn't just trying to get me to undress all the time? Or am I just a bad person that hates her boyfriend for no reason and this is what a relationship is?

Should I be excited for this date? I've met Que, he's not my favorite person ever, let's just say. What about his girlfriend? I began picturing her in my head. Dyed, platinum blonde hair with extensions, caked on makeup, false lashes, acrylic nails. Yeah, in conclusion, I'm not excited at all.

I was pulled out of my thoughts with a slight tap on my thigh from Layton. I almost flinched at his touch, but managed to stop myself. 

"We're here," he smiled. Wow, a pub. How romantic. 

As we entered the pub, an extremely strong stench of alcohol flew up my nose, almost suffocating me. It was way too loud, grown men screaming at sport on televisions, bartenders hurrying to refill drinks, people playing jackpot everywhere. Pubs are just generally an environment that I try to avoid.

I looked around, seeing Layton making his way over to someone I recognized as Que, and a girl sitting beside him. She had bright blue hair and dazzling eyes, and seemed to be wearing very oversized clothing with a lot of chains. She looked so bored as she rested her head in her ringed hand, seemingly waiting for her boyfriend to take his head out of his phone. I shyly made my way over to the group, sitting down in front of the girl. She was extremely pretty, and a smile appeared on her face as she saw me. 

"Hi," She spoke, and suddenly I was calmed down. Her voice instantly relaxed me, and I felt somewhat at ease for the first time tonight. "My name's Billie."

Billie? Unusual, but it suited her a lot. 

"Hey," I returned the smile. "I'm Emi."

"Short for Emily?" She quizzed.

"No, it's just Emi," I shrugged.

"Cool," She shot me with that smile again. Que and Layton seemed to be deep in conversation, both completely ignoring their girlfriends. Billie sighed, and looked away from them. 

So Billie and I began to talk. She was extremely easy to talk to, and good at keeping a conversation going. I only got about five minutes with her though, until we were interrupted by our dates insisting we come with them to play jackpot. 

We reluctantly got up, and obediently went to stand behind our significant others as they played. Soon enough, Layton had ran out of money. Of course. 

"Emi, babe, you got any cash on you?"

"Yeah, but it's for-"

"Hand it over," he slurred. We'd barely been here for 15 minutes, and he was already drunk. 

"But I-"

"Hand it over! I don't have time for this right now," He snapped.

I quickly started hunting for my cash in my pocket, and hurriedly handed the lot over to him. I then let out an unexpected sniffle. I didn't want to just start crying, so I began making my way to the bathroom and locked myself in. Tears began pouring down my face, and I struggled not to make a noise.

A knock on the door caused me to jump, and I froze, listening. 

"Emi?" Came a soft voice. Billie. "Please let me in."

I considered letting her stay out there, but so far she had been nice to me. And, I didn't want her to make the boys come, so I slowly unlocked the door, and she stepped inside. 

An immediate look of concern crossed her face as she looked at me.

"Why are you crying in a pub bathroom?" She asked softly. "I've been here before, it's not an enjoyable way to spend your Friday night."

I shook my head, causing more tears to fall.

"Is it because he took your money?" she asked, even quieter again. 

"No, I- I just," and with that I began sobbing. Suddenly, a pair of arms were wrapped around me, holding me close. She began rocking me side to side slightly, and every time my breathing hitched, she would hold me a little tighter. It was the most comforting hug I've had in forever.

Then, she muttered six impossibly more comforting words. 

"I know exactly what you mean."

And somehow, I think she did.

the next chapter is still gonna be at the pub, but i wanted to leave this chapter here 

-evie <3

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