
481 26 12

tw: mentions of injury, death etc



Multiple people were yelling now, each scream alerting me more of the danger. I could hardly see anything as I grabbed Emi's hand and dragged her to her feet, due to the amount of people running towards the exits, and the amount of thick smoke in the air.

The smoke alarms were going crazy, people crying and screeching, everyone was shoving each other out of the way as they attempted to free themselves.

"Emi we need to leave! Now!"

She seemed to be in a state of shock, but quickly started running with me as I followed in he direction that people were heading. I had no idea how to get out of this huge house.

We were swiftly making our way through the crowd, until my body came into collision with someone, and we were both knocked to the ground as my hand slipped out of Emi's grip.

"Jadyn!" The person yelled.

I got up, staggering a little as I did. I offered my hand to the girl I had unintentionally knocked down. The smoke was really starting to get to my head, but I steadied myself.

She looked up at me with sad eyes and shook her head exhaustedly.

"Come on," I practically pleaded.

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on her face. "I'm just playing. I felt like being one of those overly dramatic characters in a movie for a minute. You know, main character energy," she laughed as she got up and started running with me.

"So what's your name? Since we're like the heroes of this movie now or whatever," she spoke, breathless as we ran.

I liked this girl. Even though the house was burning up in flames and we both seemed to have lost someone, she seemed to be making the best of the situation.

"My name's Billie," I said.

"Well hey Billie, nice to meet you. My name's Aaliyah," she grinned.

"Nice to meet you too Aaliyah. We'd make a really good movie, even though we are escaping a burning house which has been done in movies way too many times by now."

We had made it into the cool night air now, and my only concern was finding Emi and making sure she was okay.

"Kind of adds a nice sort of aesthetic, you know? Maybe I should use this opportunity to take some pics- JADYN!" she screamed.

There were people everywhere, all of them looking a little shaken. There were quite a few ambulances, fire trucks and police cars around, and the smoke was thick in the air as the only thing that lit up the darkness was the faint glow from the ever growing fire and a few street lights.

I tore my gaze from the burning house to see Emi standing beside a guy who Aaliyah seemed to recognize as Jadyn.

I ran towards them, instantly wrapping my arms around Emi in a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I mumbled, now holding her at arm's length, making sure there was no injury.

"I'm glad you made it-"

She was interrupted by a loud "Billie!" from Aaliyah.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to face her.

"This is Jadyn," she grinned. "He's my twin brother."

"Nice to meet you Billie," he said, with the exact same grin as his sister's on display.

"So who's this?" Aaliyah interrupted, gesturing to Emi. "Your girlfriend?"

"What? No, she's just, you know. No."

"Just saying, you'd be lucky if she was. Emi, girl, you're gorg-"

"Billie. Billie!"

I realized I had been zoning out as Emi nudged me. She seemed a lot more put together now, maybe the shock had worn off some of the side effects of the alcohol.

"Huh?" I mumbled.

"Uh..." she trailed off as I gazed in the direction of her eyeline.

Brandon was being placed on to a stretcher. Beside him, I noticed Layton and the girl from earlier being wheeled into the back of one of the ambulances.

Suddenly, a wave of unwelcome guilt washed over me. This whole fire, and I didn't think of my own boyfriend once. My only concern this entire time was Emi, a girl I've known for only around a month. Yet, as I watched him being pushed into the ambulance, I didn't feel any desire to run after him, beg to go with him to the hospital as I knew I should.

soy tan egoísta...

burning pile - mother mother


-evie <3

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