
432 25 4

tw: injury, death etc



He was in a coma.

"Thank you," I whispered to the unfortunate doctor who had been sent to tell me the news.

He gave me a sympathetic look before being on his way.

The waiting room began to move slightly, disorientating me completely.

They all started talking at once. Their words were filling up my brain, leaving no room for any thoughts, any feelings. They were so loud. 

People I didn't even know, excusing Billie, and Aaliyah and Jadyn, who I had  just met tonight. Those hushed whispers were sounding like screams. They all seemed to be increasing in size, towering over me as they screamed the word coma, over and over.

Layton was in a coma.

why couldn't i just feel something?!

I started to scream, too.


Billie's face.

  "I mean, be quiet." I finished lamely.

They were all staring at me now. 

"Emi," said a quiet voice.


Her soft thumb wiped my cheek free from tears I don't remember falling as she stepped closer to me, and I was instantly calmed. Everyone was their normal height, their voices back to normal tones.

"I'm going home," I muttered. I pushed Billie off of me, and walked as fast as possible out of the hospital and into my car.


After 3 hours, your ceiling starts to look boring. 

I'd been trying to sleep, but it wasn't working. Honestly, I wish I could say was up crying or anything, other than staring blankly at my ceiling, but I couldn't get myself to feel anything. 

Now, I stood in my bathroom, looking over the multiple missed calls and texts from different people. 

Some from Aaliyah.

A few from Jadyn.

Too many from Billie.

I gripped the device way too tightly in my hand, sadness and guilt suddenly surfacing. All for the wrong reasons.

I looked up, catching a glimpse of my reflection. I was a mess. My previous expression of sadness suddenly dropped, and switched to one of extreme anger way too fast. The emotion was quite literally blurring my vision, somewhat distorting my reflection into one of a monster's. 

"What is wrong with you," I hissed menacingly into the mirror.

I looked down, seeing my phone vibrating with yet another phone call. 

I screeched, hurling my phone into the glass. 

Sobbing, I sank to the floor, among all of the shards of glass. This situation seemed familiar, me crying on a bathroom floor. 

I just wish Billie was here now.

𝑑𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 I billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now