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tw: mentions of drinking, and slight abuse.


I flinched slightly as my phone lit up with a text message, expecting it to be Brandon as was usual.

I was pleasantly surprised though, when I saw that it was Emi. We hadn't really talked since the double date, only us occasionally checking up on each other and making sure the other was okay. I had to keep clearing our conversations though, due to Brandon's frequent inspections of my phone.

The text was what caused me immediate concern, though.

"Billie, I know this is really inconvenient and not your problem at all, but I think you're the only person who would understand. You don't have to do anything about it, I just needed to tell someone and I trust you I guess. Layton is really drunk, he doesn't know what he's doing, or saying, and I'm really scared lmao. I sound really pathetic rn but I just needed to get it off my chest lol"

"Where are you?" I typed back fast.

"Lay's house."

"Pin me the location, I'm coming to get you."

Before she could make any arguments, I was getting in my car, checking my phone every few seconds for the location.


I pulled up at the house, and saw two cars. One was a lot nicer than the other, so I assumed it was Emi's.

Obviously I couldn't just walk up to the front door and knock, so I texted Emi to see if there was any sort of window. She said she was hiding in the bathroom at the moment, and she could climb out of the window.

I got out of my car and headed around the left side of the moderately large house, near the back, where I saw Emi opening the window.

"Hey, you okay?"

"I think so, but I'm going to need you to help me get out," she whispered back.

"Here," I spoke quietly, reaching up a little to hug her by the waist and lift her down.

"Thanks," she whispered. "You know you really didn't need to-"

Here we go.

"Emi, I don't need to do anything. I do things because I want to, I wanted to come help you, and I will continue to do that as many times as you need me to. Understand?" I still hadn't let go of my secure grasp around her middle, and our faces were a lot closer than what should be comfortable.

Emi seemed to be at a loss of words, and a visible blush was creeping up her cheeks, even though we were in the semi dark.

"I- yes," she managed to croak out.

I smirked. "Let's go before anyone hears us then."


"This is where I come when things with... um. Things get a little much," I explained softly.

We were sitting in a clump of trees, secluded from any paths leading through the woods. It wasn't that far from my house, and not that far from Emi's either. It was peaceful, and there was a small river in front of us, the only source of light was the moon reflecting off of the water. I wouldn't usually bring anyone here, but I figured Emi needed it as much as I did.

She looked at me, and then, without a word, we moved closer and grasped the other in a gentle, but comforting hug. It was like a mutual understanding that we were both going through something similar. I wanted to be there for her, and she wanted to be there for me.

Many undisturbed minutes passed by, and neither of us spoke, until I saw her shift her sleeve over her hand a little.

"Did he do anything to you?"

She had shifted out of my embrace by now, and hesitated, avoiding eye contact.

"He didn't mean to, but he threw a bottle accidentally when I got in his way and it hit against the table and some of the glass cut my hand."

"What," I whispered, but it was more of a statement than a question.

this was short but oh well
-evie <3

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