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My boyfriend was injured too.

Why couldn't she talk to me? 

Did she care that I was hurting too?

These questions kept coming to mind, but every time I had to remind myself that Layton was literally in a coma. It didn't change the fact that nobody had heard from her in a week? I had asked Aaliyah, Jadyn, even went over to her house, but her mom just told me she needed space.

Maybe I was just being paranoid, and I knew I should give her space, but I really needed to know that she was okay. Ever since I met her, I wanted nothing more than to protect her.

I really wanted to talk about what she had drunkenly said, too. 

Honestly... I felt the same. 

If that's what she even feels.

But, people say drunk words are sober thoughts... right?


this was literally a filler chapter but i wanted to post something, working on a new chapter rnnn

any questions, ideas, predictions?

ily -evie

𝑑𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 I billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now