Lmk if you want a part three! Ahah
》The best way to learn and remember something is by trying to explain it to someone else. We tend to simplify things when explaining them to others.
》If you're a procrastinator and have important tasks coming up that can't be put off – try thinking about the task before you sleep. It will force your brain to act on them mentally and your brain will start to draw a pathway to the completion of the task.
》While laughing in a group of people, we tend to glance at the person that we feel closest to. Platonically or romantically.
》If it is difficult and uncomfortable for you to maintain eye contact, try looking the person between the eyes.
》By faking a smile you actually trick your brain into thinking you're happy.
》An easy way to make an impression on someone that is interviewing you for a job - don't be the person in the middle. Simply put - try to be either the first or the last interviewee.
》If you want people to take you a little bit more seriously, each time you give advice you can tell them that it's 'what your father taught you.' People by nature tend to trust father figures.
》If you're trying to make a good impression on a first date try doing something exciting, full of adrenaline preferably such as a roller coaster or horror movie. Your date will subconsciously associate you with the excitement of the date and feel like it was you.
》This "psychological effect is attributed to an observation of Benjamin Franklin's, who noticed that when you do someone a favor, you will eventually like them more than you did before.
》Get yourself happy and excited before seeing someone whom you want to like you. Most people probably have some awareness of emotions being, to some extent, contagious.
》Don't reward all the time. When you reward someone for something every time they do it, they get used to it, and so the reward has to keep increasing to have the same effect. Rewarding only sometimes is a better option.
》To get a girlfriend or boyfriend, have a girlfriend or boyfriend. People like what other people like, and we have a tendency to judge the value of something by how in demand it is. One of the best ways to convince someone to like you, especially romantically, is by demonstrating to them that there are other people who like you as well. (I can already see the comments on this one)
》Research on the bystander effect reveals that people tend to ignore pleas—especially pleas for help—when they are among a group of people. Appealing to five people individually will generally get you better results than directing a single appeal to the entire group.
》Give someone a sincere compliment during an argument. If they are decent people, It'll throw them off guard. They will then feel inclined to be more pliable.
》If you notice someone you are speaking to is crossing their legs or arms during the conversation, it means that they are not in agreeance with what you're saying.
》When someone is raising his/her eyebrows, it means that they are either surprised, worried or scared. Someone will not simply raise their eyebrow while having a casual conversation.
》It's well known that nail biting is a sign of racing thoughts or stress. So, if you see someone is doing that while you're talking to them, try and change the topic to something completely different. A quick topic change can have a calming effect on a person.
Psychology Facts
RandomSome cool facts, research, and information on topics in psychology Hope you all enjoy!! *I TAKE NO CLAIMS IN THE WRITING OR STUDY OF POSTED TOPICS. I'm simply just sharing/informing by posting multiple sources into one concise thread*