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This Is More Of  A "Why People Cheat"


Cheating may stem from a fear of conflict. Instead of confronting issues directly, a person may turn to infidelity as a way to avoid intense discussions or disagreements.

Cheaters may experience feelings of hopelessness in their relationship. They may feel like they've reached a point of no return but are reluctant to end the relationship due to practical considerations like finances or children. In such situations, the person they cheat with can provide a sense of comfort and stability amidst turmoil.

Cheaters may fear direct confrontation with their partner or being confronted themselves. Instead of addressing the issues in the relationship, they resort to cheating as a way to avoid confrontation. While this doesn't justify infidelity, it sheds light on the underlying motivations behind such behavior.

For some individuals who cheat, their actions are perceived as a final attempt to salvage their relationship. They may believe that cheating will somehow maintain the aspects of the relationship they value while addressing the deficiencies they perceive. Despite recognizing positive qualities in their partner and aspects of the relationship they cherish, they feel unable to address the missing elements. This rationale, though flawed and unsustainable, can serve as a justification for infidelity.

》Some cheaters may perceive infidelity as a means to "even the score" if they feel wronged by their partner. This passive-aggressive approach allows them to express their dissatisfaction without directly addressing their concerns. Additionally, if they are unhappy in their relationship but hesitant to end it, cheating might be a way to provoke a confrontation and potentially resolve underlying issues.

Cheaters who struggle with issues of power and control may see the institution of monogamy itself as restrictive. Their actions may stem from a resentment towards authority or rules, viewing cheating as a form of rebellion against control.

》Cheaters might rationalize their actions by believing that seeking intimacy outside the relationship is ultimately for the benefit of their partner. They may feel guilty about their dissatisfaction and fear causing pain to their loved one.

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