𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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This chapter was the idea of @Nyx627. 

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1767

"𝐘/𝐧?" 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞, giving her a concerned look.

"Huh?" She said, snapping out of her small flashback. "What? Sorry. How many times did you have to call me?"

"About 4." The ghost answered, as the girl sighed. "It's alright though. Do you remember it now?"

"I do! I'm surprised you remember something from so long ago!" She smiled. "Even I didn't remember that for a second. Do you remember Toby?"

"Your dog? Yeah! He was so cute, but so loud too." The brunet mused, beaming at the thought. "He'd always leap on me when I came to visit."

"He didn't get visitors often, but he never got sick of you." She remarked, her eyes shinning. (I just realized Ghostbur probably doesn't have the ability to remember stuff on his own- but for the sake of the story he now will! :D) "Do you want to continue the tour? We don't want to keep Tommy waiting."

"Sure thing!" The brown eyed ghost approved, as they continued exploring the humble home.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Once the small excursion came to a close end, Y/n decided to show him a somewhat important chest that was sitting in her room. It was a normal wooden singular chest that didn't look very significant. 

"What do you keep in this chest?" He asked curiously, pointing to the chest. It had an item frame that held gold, which was surprising since most of the item frames consisted of rather common stuff. Gold wasn't always common- well, except in the mesa which was pretty far from spawn.

It was fairly impressive how Ghostbur didn't look bored at any time, and he kept asking questions as if he was actually interested. Compared to when Tommy first saw this house, he wasn't very interested in it unless there were secret hideouts. Unfortunately, there weren't. But she made it a goal to build one soon. 

"This is where I keep everything that I practically treasure." The girl explained, opening up the chest and letting the cover rest securely on the wall behind it so it wouldn't shut on her fingers.

The ghost peered at the item she had taken from it inquisitively, as she displayed it on the  ground.

"This is a book I used to read all the time when I was younger." Y/n informed, a wistful smile taking over her features. 

The book was average sized, and it looked quite old. You can tell by how faded the cover is and how much dust covered it. The book cover looked to be a realistic painting of a brown rabbit laying on some green grass. The sky above it took up most of the space, but it was beautiful. It looked to be a mix of multiple blues, with some clouds caught up in the mixture. The title 'Watership Down' was in a fancy looking font, with surprisingly no capital letters. Above it was the author's name, which was smaller then the title and read 'Richard Adams'.

"It was my favorite book, and I'd reread it so many times. It kind of traumatized me, but what's the point of a book who doesn't do that?" She recollected. "My father gave me this a long time ago. He was a bookworm, and so was I."

"It looks like an interesting book! Do you mind if I borrow it to read it?" The brunet asked cheerfully. 

"Sure! Be careful, it's a bit worn out so it's fragile." The girl warned, giving him the book. 

Her friend tucked it beneath his arm, and gestured for her to continue. 

Y/n continued digging through the pile of stuff, and pulled out a frame. 

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 ( Ghostbur X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now