Chapter 17:- Secrets

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Chapter 17:- Secrets

Quote of the chapter:

"What was is like to lose him," asked sorrow.
There was a long pause before I responded:

"It was like hearing every goodbye ever said to me- all at once"


It was dark. Too dark.

I felt a bit intimidated by the darkness that was engulfing me. Had I gone blind after Colton had marked me?

The silence that echoed with the darkness only exceeded my fear as I felt around the room to hopefully find a light switch.

"Don't fear dear child" I heard someone mumble, it was a women. Her voice was very soft and flowed smoothly, it almost relaxed me.


"Who are you?" I asked looking around the room frantically for the source of the voice. The women gave a soft chuckle, I could feel she had drawn closer as the echo of her voice had disappeared.

"I'm not going to hurt you" was her simple reply, I squinted my eyes seeing a vague white light in the distance. Where the hell am I?

"Where's Colton?" I asked her although I still couldn't see her face. She gave a light laugh as I touched my neck to feel for his mark. I could feel the dent of teeth at the crook of my neck.

"He left" she said as I gasped in shock. I wanted to cry, I felt dejected how could he just leave me like that. Although I hate to admit it I actually had feelings for him, which would be obvious since he's my mate. So the thought of him leaving me to a random lady whose face I couldn't even see hurt me to an extent. Maybe he thought I was just to much work and decided to leave me.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I felt a single tear slide down my face. I was hurt by how he marked me and left. I guess I deserved it for making him work so hard to get me.

"Hey don't cry" she said and I felt the lady wipe a tear away from my face.

"You will see him in a few minutes" I blushed at this. I had jumped to conclusions without thinking, obviously he didn't reject me. He had probably gone to check if the pack was ok.

"Can you switch on the light?" I asked her as she pulled her hands away from my face. I could feel her shake her head as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Why can't she switch on the light?

"I can't" she replied as I sat up a bit more in the bed.

"Can I at least know your name?" I asked as the curiosity grew within me. Why didn't she want me to know who she was?

"With time dear child" was all she said before an awkward silence fell upon us. I couldn't make out a window or door in this room, only a small flickering white light in the far corner. The light was so small it was almost insignificant.

"Before I leave I must tell you" she said as I tried to focus on the lady. I could only make out her figure in the pitch black room. I know I should have been terrified that a lady was talking to me in a pitch black room refusing to switch on the light and show her identity. But for some reason I felt rather comforted by her presence, as though I had known her for years.

"He knows" she said a dark tone to her voice as a chill ran up my spine. What was she talking about?

"He knows and he's coming" she repeated and I sat up more in the bed. She was confusing me, I wanted to know who she was talking about but I couldn't bring myself to speak.

I Dare You To Reject Me Mr AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now