Chapter 11- Treaties And Connections

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Chapter 11:- Treaties and Connections

Quote of the chapter:

The hard part is, pretending not to give a fuck when you really do. The worst part is trying to close your heart when it's doors have been blown to pieces

r.m Drake  💔


Colton's P.O.V

"I don't give a fuck, I want her in this house in a few minutes or I swear to god you will be in the fucking pack prison!" I yelled to Kyle as he slightly flinched.

I could see Lola at the back glaring daggers at me, but I just couldn't control my wolf. He was stressed and pissed and just wants his mate back.

"But alpha the warriors have been out looking for her all day, they need some rest. Please understand" Kyle my beta countered standing tall and looking me directly in the eye.

I was pissed to say the least, I couldn't believe that my beautiful mate had managed to escape right under my nose.

The worst part was I gave her the fucked up idea.

It had been a full day and I still hadn't found her. If I had just marked her, she never would have been able to leave. The bond between us would have gotten a lot stronger.

I just didn't want to force her into anything, I loved her too much to do anything like that.

"I don't give a fuck Kyle, I want people checking the whole of the territory" I exclaimed as he bowed and left my sight.

I had tried to chase after her but lost track of her scent in the middle of the woods, I was still in confusion as to how she was able to out run an alpha.

I had never seen such a fast she-wolf, that made me swell up with joy. I loved Casey so much and I wish our relationship could have started differently.

But I guess not everything can go according to my wishes.

I placed my hand on the temples of my head, as I squeezed tightly trying to control the pain my wolf was in. I couldn't control the immense anger I was feeling at how stupid I was.

"Alpha" a voice croaked at the door as I looked up in anger, to see one of my pack members Julius standing at the door. He was in his 30s and had recently found his mate.

"What?!" I retorted harshly as Julius bowed in submission. I know I was being rude and it was wrong but I just couldn't control my wolfs emotions, they were coursing through my veins freely.

"My mate is currently in labour I was wondering if I could be let off duty for now to help her?" He asked cautiously as I looked at him in surprise.

I didn't know his mate was pregnant.

Julius is one of my warrior wolfs who's mate is a few too many years younger than him. While Julius was at the age of 33 his mate Kate was only 18. She didn't want to accept him at first but I'm guessing they worked things out since she's got a pup on the way.

I stood up from the chair and walked towards Julius as he shrunk back slightly.

"Dismissed" I said and he gave a short nod, muttering a 'thanks alpha' before leaving my office and closing the door behind him.

I shut my eyes tightly, wishing it was Casey who had a pup on the way. My pup.

"Uncle Colton?" I heard a small voice whisper in the door way as I tried to calm myself down. I didn't want to show Conner my anger, I know he would be scared of me if I did.

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