Chapter 15:- Disagreement

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Chapter 15:- Disagreement

Quote of the chapter:

"No matter where you go, it could all be simple. You just have to believe in impossible things and impossible things will begin to happen"

~r.m. Drake 💎


"I'm so bored" I yelled over dramatically as Daniel scoffed lightly at the door.

"When's Colton coming home?" I asked Daniel sitting up slightly from the sofa.

"The alpha said he should be back in a few hours, he just has some important work to get through" Daniel replied standing straight and giving me no eye contact.

"Why do you act like that?" I asked him sitting up completely from the couch as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm unsure of what you mean Luna?" He asked skeptically still not giving me any eye contact as I scowled at him.

"Like that" I said standing up and pointing at his face.

"Why can't you just act normal?" I said walking over to him and shaking his shoulders over dramatically. He furrowed his eyebrows lightly at me as I continued shaking his shoulders.

"I don't want to disrespect the alpha" he said monotonously as I glared at him.

"Well as your Luna I command you to drop your stupid guard act and act natural" I said as he smiled at me lightly.

"Just how you would act with one of your friends" I said as he laughed lightly at me.

"Trust me Luna, you do not want to see that" he said as I laughed at him.

"Come and sit on the couch" I commanded trying to use my Luna tone as he stayed in his position.

"Are you not listening?" I said raising my eyebrow and sitting on the sofa relaxed. I brought my feet up and laid them across the sofa, placing my head on one of the cushions.

I saw Daniel sit on the sofa across from me rather awkwardly as I glared at him and he relaxed himself.

"So where's Aaron?" I asked as I flicked through the channels. He brought his legs on the sofa and relaxed by placing his head back comfortably.

"The alpha had him stay back to look at the new rota for patrols" he said as I grinned at him enjoying his more relaxed nature.

"Why a new rota?" I asked, confusion clearly plastered on my face. I looked towards Daniel and his expression was completely blank giving me my answer.

I was embarrassed and I could feel my cheeks fading to a tainted red color.

I can't believe Colton created a whole new rota all because I ran away. I guess he definitely wants to ensure I can't do it again.

After a long minute of silence I decided to break it.

"Have you had breakfast?" I asked as Daniel shook his head.

"No Luna" he said as I nodded my head. The room still had this awkwardness looming over it and it was making me feel really uncomfortable.

"Don't call me Luna. Just Casey" I instructed as he laughed lightly.

"But Luna that's disrespectful" he said as I stood up from the sofa fixing my shirt, then walked into the kitchen.

The chef hasn't appeared today, so I decided I should just start on breakfast.

"No it's not" I said bluntly opening the fridge and taking a few eggs out.

"Pancakes or eggs and bacon" I asked Daniel as he smiled lightly at me.

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